package orsetto

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Slices of basic vector types, i.e. arrays, byte sequences and string.

type 'a t = private {
  1. vector : 'a;

    The type of the underlying vector.

  2. start : int;

    Index in vector of element at start of slice.

  3. limit : int;

    Index in vector of element after end of slice.


The type of a vector slice.

val of_vector : ('a -> int) -> 'a -> 'a t

Use of_vector f v to make a slice of v referencing the entire range of v starting at index zero and limiting at the index obtained by applying f v. Raises Failure if f returns a negative integer.

val of_subvector : ('a -> int) -> 'a -> int -> int -> 'a t

Use of_subvector f v start limit to make a slice that references the part of v starting at index start and limiting at index limit. Raises Invalid_argument if start > limit or if either start or limit are not valid indexes in v, where valid indexes are non-negative integers less than the result of f v. Raises Failure if f returns a negative integer.

val of_array : 'a array -> 'a array t

Use of_array a to make a slice that references all of a.

val of_subarray : 'a array -> int -> int -> 'a array t

Use of_subarray a start limit to make a slice that references the part of a that starts at index start and is limited at index limit.

val of_bytes : bytes -> bytes t

Use of_bytes b to make a slice that references all of b.

val of_subbytes : bytes -> int -> int -> bytes t

Use of_subbytes b start limit to make a slice that references the part of b that starts at index start and is limited at index limit.

val of_string : string -> string t

Use of_string s to make a slice that references all of s.

val of_substring : string -> int -> int -> string t

Use of_substring s start limit to make a slice that references the part of s that starts at index start and is limited at index limit.

val to_vector : ('a -> int -> int -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a

Use to_vector f s to copy the values in s into a new vector by evaluating f start length where start is the starting index of the slice and length is the difference between the limit and the start.

val to_string : string t -> string

Use to_string s to copy the octets in s into a new string.

val to_array : 'a array t -> 'a array

Use to_array s to copy the elements in s into a new array.

val to_chars : string t -> char Stdlib.Seq.t

Use to_chars s to make a sequence of the characters in s.

val to_elements : 'a array t -> 'a Stdlib.Seq.t

Use to_elements s to make a sequence of the elements in s. Elements are read from the array as the sequence is evaluated.

val length : 'a t -> int

Use length s to obtain the length of s in elements.

val truncate : int -> 'a t -> 'a t

Use truncate n s to make a new slice that references the first n elements in s. Raises Invalid_argument if n is not a valid index into s.

val shift : int -> 'a t -> 'a t

Use shift n s to make a new slice that references the remaining elements in s after the first n. Raises Invalid_argument if n is not a valid index into s.

val split : int -> 'a t -> 'a t * 'a t

Use split n s to make two slices that reference the same mutable or immutable sequences as s. The first slice comprises the first n elements of s, and the second slice comprises the remaining elements of s. Raises Invalid_argument if n is not a valid index into s.


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