package opium

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Module to create and work with HTTP responses.

It offers convenience functions to create common responses and update them.

type t = Rock.Response.t = {
  1. version : Version.t;
  2. status : Status.t;
  3. reason : string option;
  4. headers : Headers.t;
  5. body : Body.t;
  6. env : Context.t;



val make : ?version:Version.t -> ?status:Status.t -> ?reason:string -> ?headers:Headers.t -> ?body:Body.t -> ?env:Context.t -> unit -> t

make ?version ?status ?reason ?headers ?body ?env () creates a new response from the given values.

By default, the HTTP version will be set to 1.1, the HTTP status to 200 and the response will not contain any header or body.


val of_plain_text : ?version:Version.t -> ?status:Status.t -> ?reason:string -> ?headers:Headers.t -> ?env:Context.t -> string -> t

of_plain_text ?status ?version ?reason ?headers ?env body creates a new response from the given values and a string body.

The content type of the response will be set to text/plain and the body will contain the string body.


The response initialized with:

Response.of_plain_text "Hello World" 

Will be represented as:

HTTP/1.1 200 
Content-Type: text/plain

Hello World 


val of_json : ?version:Version.t -> ?status:Status.t -> ?reason:string -> ?headers:Headers.t -> ?env:Context.t -> Yojson.Safe.t -> t

of_json ?status ?version ?reason ?headers ?env payload creates a new response from the given values and a JSON body.

The content type of the response will be set to application/json and the body will contain the json payload body.


The response initialized with:

Response.of_json (`Assoc [ "Hello", `String "World" ]) 

Will be represented as:

HTTP/1.1 200 
Content-Type: application/json



val of_html : ?version:Version.t -> ?status:Status.t -> ?reason:string -> ?headers:Headers.t -> ?env:Context.t -> ?indent:bool -> [ `Html ] Tyxml_html.elt -> t

of_html ?status ?version ?reason ?headers ?env ?indent payload creates a new response from the given values and a HTML body.

The content type of the response will be set to text/html; charset=utf-8 and the body will contain the HTML payload payload.

The header Connection will be set to Keep-Alive to opimize for bandwitdh, since it is assumed that users who response HTML content will be likely to make further responses.


The response initialized with:

let my_page =
  let open Tyxml.Html in
  html (head (title (txt "Title")) []) (body [ h1 [ txt "Hello World!" ] ])

let res = Response.of_html ~indent:true my_page

res will be represented as:

HTTP/1.1 200 
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""><head><title>Title</title></head>
 <body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body>


val of_xml : ?version:Version.t -> ?status:Status.t -> ?reason:string -> ?headers:Headers.t -> ?env:Context.t -> ?indent:bool -> Tyxml_xml.elt -> t

of_xml ?status ?version ?reason ?headers ?env ?indent payload creates a new response from the given values and a XML body.

The content type of the response will be set to text/xml; charset=utf-8 and the body will contain the XML payload payload.


The response initialized with:

let xml =
  let open Tyxml.Xml in
    [ node "to" [ pcdata "Tove" ]
    ; node "from" [ pcdata "Jani" ]
    ; node "heading" [ pcdata "Reminder" ]
    ; node "body" [ pcdata "Don't forget me this weekend!" ]

let res = Response.of_xml ~indent:true xml

res will be represented as:

HTTP/1.1 200 
Content-Type: application/xml charset=utf-8

 <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>


val of_svg : ?version:Version.t -> ?status:Status.t -> ?reason:string -> ?headers:Headers.t -> ?env:Context.t -> ?indent:bool -> [ `Svg ] Tyxml_svg.elt -> t

of_svg ?status ?version ?reason ?headers ?env ?indent payload creates a new response from the given values and a SVG body.

The content type of the response will be set to image/svg+xml and the body will contain the SVG payload payload.

The header Connection will be set to Keep-Alive to opimize for bandwitdh, since it is assumed that users who response SVG content will be likely to make further responses.


The response initialized with:

let my_svg =
  let open Tyxml.Svg in
    [ circle
          [ a_cx (50., None)
          ; a_cy (50., None)
          ; a_r (40., None)
          ; a_fill (`Color ("black", None))

let res = Response.of_svg ~indent:true my_svg

res will be represented as:

HTTP/1.1 200 
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: image/svg+xml

<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg xmlns=""
 <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="black"></circle>


val redirect_to : ?status:Status.redirection -> ?version:Version.t -> ?reason:string -> ?headers:Headers.t -> ?env:Context.t -> string -> t

redirect_to ?status ?version ?reason ?headers ?env target creates a new Redirect response from the given values.

The response will contain the header Location with the value target and a Redirect HTTP status (a Redirect HTTP status starts with 3).

By default, the HTTP status is 302 Found.

The response initialized with:

Response.redirect_to "/redirected" 

Will be represented as:

HTTP/1.1 302 
Location: /redirected



val to_json : t -> Yojson.Safe.t option Lwt.t

to_json t parses the body of the response t as a JSON structure.

If the body of the response cannot be parsed as a JSON structure, None is returned. Use to_json_exn to raise an exception instead.


let response = Response.of_json (`Assoc [ "Hello", `String "World" ])
let body = Response.to_json response

body will be:

`Assoc [ "Hello", `String "World" ] 


val to_json_exn : t -> Yojson.Safe.t Lwt.t

to_json_exn t parses the body of the response t as a JSON structure.

If the body of the response cannot be parsed as a JSON structure, an Invalid_argument exception is raised. Use to_json to return an option instead.


val to_plain_text : t -> string Lwt.t

to_plain_text t parses the body of the response t as a string.


let response = Response.of_plain_text "Hello world!"
let body = Response.to_json response

body will be:

"Hello world!" 

Getters and Setters


val status : t -> Status.t

status response returns the HTTP status of the response response.


val set_status : Status.t -> t -> t

set_status status response returns a copy of response with the HTTP status set to content_type.

General Headers

val header : string -> t -> string option

header key t returns the value of the header with key key in the response t.

If multiple headers have the key key, only the value of the first header will be returned.

If you want to return all the values if multiple headers are found, you can use headers.


val headers : string -> t -> string list

headers returns the values of all headers with the key key in the response t.

If you want to return the value of only the first header with the key key, you can use header.


val add_header : (string * string) -> t -> t

add_header (key, value) t adds a header with the key key and the value value to the response t.

If a header with the same key is already persent, a new header is appended to the list of headers regardless. If you want to add the header only if an header with the same key could not be found, you can use add_header_unless_exists.

See also add_headers to add multiple headers.


val add_header_or_replace : (string * string) -> t -> t

add_header_or_replace (key, value) t adds a header with the key key and the value value to the response t.

If a header with the same key already exist, its value is replaced by value. If you want to add the header only if it doesn't already exist, you can use add_header_unless_exists.

See also add_headers_or_replace to add multiple headers.


val add_header_unless_exists : (string * string) -> t -> t

add_header_unless_exists (key, value) t adds a header with the key key and the value value to the response t if an header with the same key does not already exist.

If a header with the same key already exist, the response remains unmodified. If you want to add the header regardless of whether the header is already present, you can use add_header.

See also add_headers_unless_exists to add multiple headers.


val add_headers : (string * string) list -> t -> t

add_headers headers response adds the headers headers to the response t.

The headers are added regardless of whether a header with the same key is already present. If you want to add the header only if an header with the same key could not be found, you can use add_headers_unless_exists.

See also add_header to add a single header.


val add_headers_or_replace : (string * string) list -> t -> t

add_headers_or_replace (key, value) t adds a headers headers to the response t.

If a header with the same key already exist, its value is replaced by value. If you want to add the header only if it doesn't already exist, you can use add_headers_unless_exists.

See also add_header_or_replace to add a single header.


val add_headers_unless_exists : (string * string) list -> t -> t

add_headers_unless_exists headers response adds the headers headers to the response t if an header with the same key does not already exist.

If a header with the same key already exist, the header is will not be added to the response. If you want to add the header regardless of whether the header is already present, you can use add_headers.

See also add_header_unless_exists to add a single header.


val remove_header : string -> t -> t

remove_header (key, value) t removes all the headers with the key key from the response t.

If no header with the key key exist, the response remains unmodified.

Specific Headers


val content_type : t -> string option

content_type response returns the value of the header Content-Type of the response response.


val set_content_type : string -> t -> t

set_content_type content_type response returns a copy of response with the value of the header Content-Type set to content_type.


val etag : t -> string option

etag response returns the value of the header ETag of the response response.


val set_etag : string -> t -> t

set_etag etag response returns a copy of response with the value of the header ETag set to etag.


val location : t -> string option

location response returns the value of the header Location of the response response.


val set_location : string -> t -> t

set_location location response returns a copy of response with the value of the header Location set to location.


val cache_control : t -> string option

cache_control response returns the value of the header Cache-Control of the response response.


val set_cache_control : string -> t -> t

set_cache_control cache_control response returns a copy of response with the value of the header Cache-Control set to cache_control.

cookie ?signed_with key t returns the value of the cookie with key key in the Set-Cookie header of the response t.

If signed_with is provided, the cookies will be unsigned with the given Signer and only a cookie with a valid signature will be returned.

If the response does not contain a valid Set-Cookie or if no cookie with the key key exist, None will be returned.


val cookies : ?signed_with:Cookie.Signer.t -> t -> Cookie.t list

cookies ?signed_with t returns all the value of the cookies in the Set-Cookie header of the response t.

If signed_with is provided, the cookies will be unsigned with the given Signer and only the cookies with a valid signature will be returned.

If the response does not contain a valid Set-Cookie, None will be returned.

add_cookie ?sign_with ?expires ?scope ?same_site ?secure ?http_only value t adds a cookie with value value to the response t.

If a cookie with the same key already exists, its value will be replaced with the new value of value.

If sign_with is provided, the cookie will be signed with the given Signer.

add_cookie_or_replace ?sign_with ?expires ?scope ?same_site ?secure ?http_only value t adds a cookie with value value to the response t. If a cookie with the same key already exists, its value will be replaced with the new value of value. If sign_with is provided, the cookie will be signed with the given Signer.

add_cookie_unless_exists ?sign_with ?expires ?scope ?same_site ?secure ?http_only value t adds a cookie with value value to the response t.

If a cookie with the same key already exists, it will remain untouched.

If sign_with is provided, the cookie will be signed with the given Signer.

remove_cookie key t removes the cookie of key key from the Set-Cookie header of the response t.



val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t

sexp_of_t t converts the response t to an s-expression


val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp formats the response t as an s-expression


val pp_hum : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp_hum formats the response t as a standard HTTP response


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