package opentelemetry

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Opentelemetry types and instrumentation

module Lock : sig ... end

Global lock.

module Rand_bytes : sig ... end

Generation of random identifiers.

module AList : sig ... end

Atomic list, for internal usage

Wire format

module Proto = Opentelemetry_proto

Protobuf types.


module Timestamp_ns : sig ... end

Unix timestamp.

Interface to data collector

module Collector : sig ... end

Collector types


module Trace_id : sig ... end

Trace ID.

val k_trace_id : Trace_id.t Hmap.key

Hmap key to carry around a Trace_id.t, to remember what the current trace is.

  • since 0.8
module Span_id : sig ... end

Unique ID of a span.

module Span_ctx : sig ... end

Span context. This bundles up a trace ID and parent ID.

val k_span_ctx : Span_ctx.t Hmap.key

Hmap key to carry around a Span_ctx.t, e.g. to remember what the current parent span is.

  • since 0.8

Attributes and conventions

module Conventions : sig ... end
type value = [
  1. | `Int of int
  2. | `String of string
  3. | `Bool of bool
  4. | `Float of float
  5. | `None
type key_value = string * value

Global settings

module Globals : sig ... end

Process-wide metadata, environment variables, etc.

Traces and Spans

module Event : sig ... end



module Scope : sig ... end


Span Link

module Span : sig ... end


module Trace : sig ... end



module Metrics : sig ... end


module Logs : sig ... end


module Metrics_callbacks : sig ... end

A set of callbacks that produce metrics when called. The metrics are automatically called regularly.


module Trace_context : sig ... end

Implementation of the W3C Trace Context spec

module GC_metrics : sig ... end

Export GC metrics.


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