package openapi_router

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


module Config : sig ... end


type t = {
  1. spec : Spec.t;
  2. routes : Config.route list;
val empty : t
val title : string -> t -> t

Specify Openapi title metadata

val description : string -> t -> t

Specify Openapi description metadata

val terms_of_service : string -> t -> t

Specify Openapi terms of service metadata

val contact : Spec.contact_object -> t -> t

Specify Openapi contact metadata

val license : Spec.license_object -> t -> t

Specify Openapi license metadata

val version : string -> t -> t

Specify Openapi version metadata

val schema : string -> Openapi_router__.Json_schema.schema Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref -> t -> t

Add a named component to an application spec

val response : string -> Spec.response_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref -> t -> t

Add a named component to an application spec

val parameter : string -> Spec.parameter_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref -> t -> t

Add a named component to an application spec

val example : string -> Spec.example_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref -> t -> t

Add a named component to an application spec

val request_body : string -> Spec.request_body_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref -> t -> t

Add a named component to an application spec

val header : string -> Spec.header_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref -> t -> t

Add a named component to an application spec

val security_scheme : string -> Spec.security_scheme_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref -> t -> t

Add a named component to an application spec

Add a named component to an application spec

val callback : string -> Spec.callback_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref -> t -> t

Add a named component to an application spec

val schema_ref : string -> 'a Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref

Return a JSON reference to a named component of a spec (Note: doesn't confirm that the component actually exists)

val response_ref : string -> 'a Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref

Return a JSON reference to a named component of a spec (Note: doesn't confirm that the component actually exists)

val parameter_ref : string -> 'a Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref

Return a JSON reference to a named component of a spec (Note: doesn't confirm that the component actually exists)

val example_ref : string -> 'a Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref

Return a JSON reference to a named component of a spec (Note: doesn't confirm that the component actually exists)

val request_body_ref : string -> 'a Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref

Return a JSON reference to a named component of a spec (Note: doesn't confirm that the component actually exists)

val header_ref : string -> 'a Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref

Return a JSON reference to a named component of a spec (Note: doesn't confirm that the component actually exists)

val security_scheme_ref : string -> 'a Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref

Return a JSON reference to a named component of a spec (Note: doesn't confirm that the component actually exists)

Return a JSON reference to a named component of a spec (Note: doesn't confirm that the component actually exists)

val callback_ref : string -> 'a Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref

Return a JSON reference to a named component of a spec (Note: doesn't confirm that the component actually exists)

val get : ?tags:string list -> ?summary:string -> ?description:string -> ?external_docs:Spec.external_documentation_object -> ?operation_id:string -> ?parameters:Spec.parameter_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref list -> ?request_body:Spec.request_body_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref -> ?responses:Spec.responses_object -> ?callbacks: (string * Spec.callback_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref) list -> ?deprecated:bool -> ?security:Yojson.Safe.t -> ?servers:Spec.server_object list -> string -> Config.handler -> t -> t
val default_request_body : Spec.request_body_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref
val post : ?tags:string list -> ?summary:string -> ?description:string -> ?external_docs:Spec.external_documentation_object -> ?operation_id:string -> ?parameters:Spec.parameter_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref list -> ?request_body:Spec.request_body_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref -> ?responses:Spec.responses_object -> ?callbacks: (string * Spec.callback_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref) list -> ?deprecated:bool -> ?security:Yojson.Safe.t -> ?servers:Spec.server_object list -> string -> Config.handler -> t -> t
val delete : ?tags:string list -> ?summary:string -> ?description:string -> ?external_docs:Spec.external_documentation_object -> ?operation_id:string -> ?parameters:Spec.parameter_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref list -> ?request_body:Spec.request_body_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref -> ?responses:Spec.responses_object -> ?callbacks: (string * Spec.callback_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref) list -> ?deprecated:bool -> ?security:Yojson.Safe.t -> ?servers:Spec.server_object list -> string -> Config.handler -> t -> t
val put : ?tags:string list -> ?summary:string -> ?description:string -> ?external_docs:Spec.external_documentation_object -> ?operation_id:string -> ?parameters:Spec.parameter_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref list -> ?request_body:Spec.request_body_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref -> ?responses:Spec.responses_object -> ?callbacks: (string * Spec.callback_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref) list -> ?deprecated:bool -> ?security:Yojson.Safe.t -> ?servers:Spec.server_object list -> string -> Config.handler -> t -> t
val options : ?tags:string list -> ?summary:string -> ?description:string -> ?external_docs:Spec.external_documentation_object -> ?operation_id:string -> ?parameters:Spec.parameter_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref list -> ?request_body:Spec.request_body_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref -> ?responses:Spec.responses_object -> ?callbacks: (string * Spec.callback_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref) list -> ?deprecated:bool -> ?security:Yojson.Safe.t -> ?servers:Spec.server_object list -> string -> Config.handler -> t -> t
val head : ?tags:string list -> ?summary:string -> ?description:string -> ?external_docs:Spec.external_documentation_object -> ?operation_id:string -> ?parameters:Spec.parameter_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref list -> ?request_body:Spec.request_body_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref -> ?responses:Spec.responses_object -> ?callbacks: (string * Spec.callback_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref) list -> ?deprecated:bool -> ?security:Yojson.Safe.t -> ?servers:Spec.server_object list -> string -> Config.handler -> t -> t
val patch : ?tags:string list -> ?summary:string -> ?description:string -> ?external_docs:Spec.external_documentation_object -> ?operation_id:string -> ?parameters:Spec.parameter_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref list -> ?request_body:Spec.request_body_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref -> ?responses:Spec.responses_object -> ?callbacks: (string * Spec.callback_object Openapi_router__.Json_schema.or_ref) list -> ?deprecated:bool -> ?security:Yojson.Safe.t -> ?servers:Spec.server_object list -> string -> Config.handler -> t -> t
val build : t ->

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