package opam-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Compiler version $opam/compilers/

include IO_FILE
type t

File contents

val empty : t

Empty file

val write : OpamTypes.filename -> t -> unit

Write some contents to a file

val read : OpamTypes.filename -> t

Read file contents. Raise an error if the file does not exist.

val safe_read : OpamTypes.filename -> t

Read file contents. Return empty if the file does not exist.

val read_from_channel : ?filename:OpamTypes.filename -> Stdlib.in_channel -> t

Read from channel.

val read_from_string : ?filename:OpamTypes.filename -> string -> t
val write_to_channel : Stdlib.out_channel -> t -> unit

Write to channel.

val create_preinstalled : OpamTypes.compiler -> OpamTypes.compiler_version -> list -> (string * string * string) list -> t

Create a pre-installed compiler description file

val preinstalled : t -> bool

Is it a pre-installed compiler description file

val opam_version : t -> OpamTypes.opam_version

Get OPAM version

val name : t -> OpamTypes.compiler

Return the compiler name

val version : t -> OpamTypes.compiler_version

Return the compiler version

val src : t -> OpamTypes.address option

Return the url of the compiler

Return the url kind

val patches : t -> OpamTypes.filename list

Return the list of patches to apply

val configure : t -> string list

Options to give to the "./configure" command

val make : t -> string list

Options to give to the "make" command

val build : t -> OpamTypes.command list

Options to give to build the package. If this one is provided, nothing should be specified for configure and make.

val packages : t -> OpamTypes.formula

Packages to install immediately after the creation of OCaml

val env : t -> (string * string * string) list

Environment variable to set-up before running commands in the subtree

val tags : t -> string list
val with_src : t -> OpamTypes.address option -> t
val with_patches : t -> OpamTypes.filename list -> t
val with_configure : t -> string list -> t
val with_make : t -> string list -> t
val with_build : t -> OpamTypes.command list -> t
val with_packages : t -> OpamTypes.formula -> t

Convert to OPAM 1.0


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