package omod

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Load installed modules in the toplevel.

See the tutorial.


type fpath = string

The type for file paths.

type silent = [
  1. | `Yes
  2. | `Loads
  3. | `No

The type for specifying silence. See load.

val load : ?batch:bool -> ?silent:silent -> ?force:bool -> ?incs:bool -> ?init:bool -> ?dir:fpath -> string -> bool

load ~batch ~silent ~force ~deps ~incs ~init ~dir "M" loads module M and returns true if the load was successful; init files may however have failed to load. The exact side effects of this function are described here. The optional parameters are as follows:

  • batch if true alternative load sequences error rather than interactively ask to select one. Defaults to not !Sys.interactive.
  • silent if `All nothing is logged except errors. If `Loads then load sequences are not logged but other diagnostic messages may be logged. If `No both load sequences and diagnostic messages are logged. Defaults to `No.
  • force if true force the reload of objects. Defaults to false.
  • incs if true directory includes should be added. Defaults to true. See load semantics for details.
  • init if true toplevel init files should be loaded, see the load semantics. Defaults to true.
  • dir is currently ignored.

The full syntax for specifying the module to load is:

  • M is always the top level (compilation unit) module name to load.
  • PKG constrains M to be found in package PKG. Packages names are the name of directories just below omod's library directory (see omod conf, and omod pkg for a list).
  • @VARIANT (repeatable) indicates that all ambiguities should be resolved according to variant VARIANT. This means that if an object can be found in multiple directories in a package directory P, the one that is rooted in the hierarchy starting at P/VARIANT or P/@VARIANT will be selected. If no ambiguity arises the parameter is ignored. See the tutorial for an example.
val loads : ?batch:bool -> ?silent:silent -> ?force:bool -> ?incs:bool -> ?init:bool -> ?dir:fpath -> string list -> bool

loads is like load but for a list of module specifications. Note that specified variants apply to all of the modules.

val help : unit -> unit

help () prints basic help on stdout.

val status : unit -> unit

status () prints what is currently loaded by omod (including assumptions)

Assuming loads

This following can be used to assume that certain loads are already performed to prevent them from being (re)loaded by load invocations.

val assume_load : ?batch:bool -> ?silent:silent -> ?force:bool -> ?incs:bool -> ?init:bool -> ?dir:fpath -> string -> bool

assume_load is like load but assumes the corresponding load sequence was already performed.

val assume_loads : ?batch:bool -> ?silent:silent -> ?force:bool -> ?incs:bool -> ?init:bool -> ?dir:fpath -> string list -> bool

assume_loads is like loads but assumes the corresponding load sequence was already performed.

val assume_inc : fpath -> unit

assume_inc dir assumes that path dir has been included.

val assume_obj : fpath -> unit

assume_obj obj assumes that file path obj has been loaded.

module Private : sig ... end

Private definitions.

Load semantics and effects

  • Loading an object means: load its dependencies, add its containing directory to the included directories (if incs is true), load the actual object and finally load its toplevel init file (if init is true and the file exists, see below).
  • The toplevel init file of an object with basename o is a file called in the same directory as the object.
  • If an object is available both as a standalone file (cmo, cmx) and in a library archive (cma, cmxs), Omod favours loading the library archive.
  • If an interface dependency cannot be resolved to an implementation but does resolve to a compiled interface, the dependency is assumed to be a mli-only compilation unit and the directory of the compiled interface is added to the includes (if incs is true).
  • The initialization performed by and omod.nattop assume (with incs:false and init:false) the following modules:

    • utop.UTop if is #used in utop.
    • ocaml.Toploop if is #used (not in utop).
    • ocaml.Opttoploop if omod.nattop is #used. .
  • Load sequences with vmthread variants and objects of the form m.p.ext (profiling versions in the stdlib) are excluded from load sequence results. This reduces the load sequence from multiple occurrences to a single candidate on many modules.
  • For ocamlnat dependency analysis is made on cmx and cmxa files, the suffixes of resulting objects is then mapped to cmxs. This assumes the corresponding files exist and their objects match.

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