How to Drive odoc
This 'live' document describes how to use odoc
to produce the documentation of odoc
itself. The aim is to show a short, simple example of how odoc
can be used, covering most of the important features. The document built here includes not only the documentation of odoc
itself, but it also builds the docs for a subset of odoc
's dependent libraries to show how this may be done. For a much more complete and comprehensive use of odoc
, see the Voodoo project, the tool that is being used to build the package docs for The information in this page is specific to odoc version 2.3 or later. For earlier versions see the
or driver.mld
files in the corresponding source distribution.
First, we need to initialise MDX with some libraries and helpful values:
(* Prelude *)
#require "bos";;
#install_printer Fpath.pp;;
#print_length 655360;;
#print_depth 10;;
open Bos;;
let (>>=) = Result.bind;;
let (>>|=) m f = m >>= fun x -> Ok (f x);;
let get_ok = function | Ok x -> x | Error (`Msg m) -> failwith m
let relativize p = Fpath.(v ".." // p) (* this driver is run from the [doc] dir *)
(* Whether to instrument with landmarks. Result for each commands will be saved
to directory [_build/default/doc/landmarks]. *)
let instrument = false
Desired Output
produces output files (HTML or others) in a structured directory tree, so before running odoc
, the structure of the output must be decided. For these docs, we want the following structure:
: main pageodoc/{odoc_for_authors.html,...}
: other documentation pagesodoc/odoc_model/index.html
: odoc
model library subpageodoc/odoc_model/Odoc_model/index.html
: Module page for the module Odoc_model
: Further pages for the submodules of Odoc_model
: other odoc
library pagesodoc/deps/stdlib/index.html
: stdlib main pageodoc/deps/stdlib/Stdlib/index.html
: Module page for the module Stdlib
: astring main pageodoc/deps/...
: other dependenciesodoc/source/...
: rendered source files
The odoc
model for achieving this is that we have pages (.mld
files) that have children which are either further pages (.mld
files), modules (from .cmti
files), or a source parent. This parent/child relationship is specified on the command line. Parent pages must be compiled by odoc
before their children. Then compiling a page mypage.mld
will produce the file page-mypage.odoc
In the example below, there will be a file odoc.mld
that corresponds with the top-level directory odoc/
. It will be compiled as follows:
odoc compile odoc.mld --child page-odoc_model --child deps
--child src-source ...
The file deps.mld
which corresponds with the sub-directory odoc/deps/
, will be compiled as follows:
odoc compile deps.mld -I . --parent page-odoc --child page-stdlib --child page-astring ...
The file odoc_model.mld
will have a child module Odoc_model
. It will be compiled as follows:
odoc compile odoc_model.mld -I . --parent page-odoc --child module-Odoc_model
The last type of page contains a list of paths to the source files that should be rendered as HTML. The output will be found as a tree underneath this page. This will be compiled in the following way:
odoc source-tree -I . --parent page-odoc
where the first few lines of
indicating the desire for the rendered source of
to be found as the file odoc/source/src/xref2/
When compiling any .mld
file, the parent and all children must be specified. Parents can only be pages from other .mld
files, and children may be pages (from .mld
files) or modules (from .cmti
or .cmi
The parent page must exist before the child page is created, and it must have had the child specified when it was initially compiled.
Document Generation Phases
Using odoc
is a three-phase process:
- Compilation: odoc compile
This takes as input either .mld
files containing pure odoc markup, or the output from the compiler in the form of .cmti
, .cmt
, or .cmi
files (in order of preference). For .mld
files, this step simply translates them into odoc
's internal format and writes the corresponding file. For example, given the input foobar.mld
, odoc
will output page-foobar.odoc
. There are no dependencies for compiling .mld
files beyond the parent as outlined above.
For modules, compilation is the point where odoc
performs some initial expansion and resolution operations, a process that usually introduces dependencies. For a given input /path/to/file.cmti
it will output the file /path/to/file.odoc
unless the -o
option is used to override the output file. If there were .cmi
dependencies required for OCaml to compile a particular module, then there will be equivalent .odoc
dependencies needed for the odoc compile
step. odoc
will search for these dependencies in the paths specified with the -I
directive on compilation. odoc
provides a command to help with this: odoc compile-deps
As an example we can run odoc compile-deps
on the file ../src/xref2/.odoc_xref2.objs/byte/odoc_xref2__Compile.cmti
$ `odoc` compile-deps ../src/xref2/.odoc_xref2.objs/byte/odoc_xref2__Compile.cmti | tail -n 5
Stdlib__result 2ba42445465981713146b97d5e185dd5
Stdlib__seq d6a8de25c9eecf5ae9420a9f3f8b2e88
Stdlib__set 5d365647a10f75c22f2b045a867b4d3e
Stdlib__uchar ab6f1df93abf9e800a3e0d1543523c96
Odoc_xref2__Compile e0d620d652a724705f7ed620dfe07be0
From this, we see it's necessary to run odoc compile
against several Stdlib
modules before we can compile odoc_xref2__Compile.cmti
- Linking: odoc link
This takes the odoc
files produced during the compilation step and performs the final steps of resolution for both pages and modules, and expansion for modules only. It is during this phase that all the references in the documentation comments are resolved. In order for these to be resolved, everything that is referenced must have been compiled already, and their odoc
files must be on the include path as specified by the -I
arguments to odoc link
. In this example, we achieve that by compiling all modules and .mld
files before linking anything. The output of the link step is an odocl
file, which is in the same path as the original odoc
file by default.
Please note: it's only necessary to link the non-hidden modules (i.e., without a double underscore).
- Generation: odoc html-generate
Once the compile and link phases are complete, the resulting odocl
files may be rendered in a variety of formats. In this example we output HTML.
In this section odoc
is used to generate the documentation of odoc
and some of its dependent packages. We can make a few simplifying assumptions here:
- Since we're working with one leaf package, we can assume that there can be no module name clashes in the dependencies. As such, we can afford to put all of our
files into one directory and then hard-code the include path to be this directory. When using odoc
in a context where there may be module name clashes, it requires more careful partitioning of output directories. - We'll do all of the compiling before any linking.
Let's start with some functions to execute the three phases of odoc
Compiling a file with odoc
requires a few arguments: the file to compile, an optional parent, a list of include paths, a list of children for .mld
files, optional parent and name for source implementation, and an output path. Include paths can be just '.'
, and we can calculate the output file from the input because all of the files are going into the same directory.
Linking a file with odoc
requires the input file and a list of include paths. As for compile, we will hard-code the include path.
Generating the HTML requires the input odocl
file, an optional implementation source file (passed via the --source
argument), and an output path. We will hard-code the output path to be html/
Using the --source
argument with an .odocl
file that was not compiled with --source-parent-file
and --source-name
will result in an error, as will omitting --source
when generating HTML of an odocl
that was compiled with --source-parent-file
and --source-name
In all of these, we'll capture stdout
and stderr
so we can check it later.
let odoc = Cmd.v "../src/odoc/bin/main.exe" (* This is the just-built odoc binary *)
let compile_output = ref [ "" ]
let link_output = ref [ "" ]
let generate_output = ref [ "" ]
type executed_command = {
cmd : Cmd.t;
time : float; (** Running time in seconds. *)
output_file : Fpath.t option;
(* Record the commands executed, their running time and optionally the path to
the produced file. *)
let commands = ref [ ]
let instrument_dir =
lazy (
let dir = Fpath.v "landmarks" in
OS.Dir.delete dir |> get_ok;
OS.Dir.create dir |> get_ok |> ignore;
(* Environment variables passed to commands. *)
let env = OS.Env.current () |> get_ok
let run ?output_file cmd =
let t_start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let env =
if instrument then
let lazy instrument_dir = instrument_dir in
let instrument_out =
match output_file with
| Some outf ->
Fpath.(/) instrument_dir (Fpath.basename outf ^ ".json")
|> Fpath.to_string
| None -> "temporary:" ^ Fpath.to_string instrument_dir
Astring.String.Map.add "OCAML_LANDMARKS"
("time,allocation,format=json,output=" ^ instrument_out)
else env
let r = OS.Cmd.(run_out ~env ~err:OS.Cmd.err_run_out cmd |> to_lines) |> get_ok in
let t_end = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let time = t_end -. t_start in
commands := { cmd; time; output_file } :: !commands;
let add_prefixed_output cmd list prefix lines =
if List.length lines > 0 then
list :=
@ Bos.Cmd.to_string cmd :: (fun l -> prefix ^ ": " ^ l) lines
let compile file ?parent ?(output_dir = Fpath.v "./")
?(ignore_output = false) ?source_args children =
let output_basename =
let ext = Fpath.get_ext file in
let basename = Fpath.basename (Fpath.rem_ext file) in
match ext with
| ".mld" -> "page-" ^ basename ^ ".odoc"
| ".cmt" | ".cmti" | ".cmi" -> basename ^ ".odoc"
| _ -> failwith ("bad extension: " ^ ext)
let output_file = Fpath.(/) output_dir output_basename in
let open Cmd in
let source_args =
match source_args with
| None -> Cmd.empty
| Some (source_name, source_parent_file) ->
v "--source-name" % p source_name % "--source-parent-file"
% p source_parent_file)
let cmt_arg =
let cmt_file = Fpath.set_ext ".cmt" file in
if Fpath.get_ext file = ".cmti" then
match Bos.OS.File.exists cmt_file with
| Ok true -> Cmd.(v "--cmt" % p cmt_file)
| _ -> Cmd.empty
else Cmd.empty
let cmd =
odoc % "compile" % Fpath.to_string file %% source_args %% cmt_arg
% "-I" % "." % "-o" % p output_file
|> List.fold_right (fun child cmd -> cmd % "--child" % child) children
let cmd =
match parent with
| Some p -> cmd % "--parent" % ("page-\"" ^ p ^ "\"")
| None -> cmd
let lines = run ~output_file cmd in
if not ignore_output then
add_prefixed_output cmd compile_output (Fpath.to_string file) lines
let link ?(ignore_output = false) file =
let open Cmd in
let output_file = Fpath.set_ext "odocl" file in
let cmd = odoc % "link" % p file % "-o" % p output_file % "-I" % "." in
let cmd = if Fpath.to_string file = "stdlib.odoc" then cmd % "--open=\"\"" else cmd in
let lines = run ~output_file cmd in
if not ignore_output then
add_prefixed_output cmd link_output (Fpath.to_string file) lines
let html_generate ?(ignore_output = false) ?(assets = []) ?(search_uris = []) file source =
let open Cmd in
let source =
match source with None -> empty | Some source -> v "--source" % p source
let assets =
(fun acc filename -> acc % "--asset" % filename)
let search_uris =
(fun acc filename -> acc % "--search-uri" % p filename)
let cmd =
odoc % "html-generate" %% source % p file %% assets %% search_uris % "-o" % "html"
% "--theme-uri" % "odoc" % "--support-uri" % "odoc"
let lines = run cmd in
if not ignore_output then
add_prefixed_output cmd generate_output (Fpath.to_string file) lines
let support_files () =
let open Cmd in
let cmd = odoc % "support-files" % "-o" % "html/odoc" in
run cmd
We'll now make some library lists. We have not only external dependency libraries, but odoc
itself is also separated into libraries. These two sets of libraries will be documented in different sections, so we'll keep them in separate lists. Moreover, odoc
libraries will include the source code, via a hardcoded path.
Additionally we'll also construct a list containing the extra documentation pages. Finally let's create a list mapping the section to its parent, which matches the hierarchy declared above.
let dep_libraries_core = [
let extra_deps = [
let dep_libraries =
match Sys.getenv_opt "ODOC_BENCHMARK" with
| Some "true" -> dep_libraries_core @ extra_deps
| _ -> dep_libraries_core
let odoc_libraries = [
"odoc_xref_test"; "odoc_xref2"; "odoc_odoc"; "odoc_html_support_files";
"odoc_model_desc"; "odoc_model"; "odoc_manpage"; "odoc_loader";
"odoc_latex"; "odoc_html"; "odoc_document"; "odoc_examples"; "odoc_parser";
"ocamlary"; "odoc_search" ; "odoc_html_frontend" ; "odoc_json_index" ];;
let all_libraries = dep_libraries @ odoc_libraries;;
let extra_docs = [
let parents =
let add_parent p l = (fun lib -> (lib, p)) l in
(add_parent "deps" dep_libraries) @ (add_parent "odoc" odoc_libraries);;
operates on the compiler outputs. We need to find them for both the files compiled by Dune within this project and those in libraries we compile against. The following uses ocamlfind
to locate the library paths for our dependencies. Since ocamlfind
gives us the absolute path, we also have a short function here to relativize it based on our current working directory to ensure the log of commands we collect is as reproducible as possible.
let ocamlfind = Cmd.v "ocamlfind"
let reach t ~from =
let rec loop t from =
match (t, from) with
| a :: t, b :: from when a = b -> loop t from
| _ -> List.fold_right (fun _ acc -> ".." :: acc) from t
let v s = String.split_on_char '/' s in
loop (v t) (v from) |> String.concat "/"
let relativize_path =
let pwd = Sys.getcwd () in
fun p -> reach p ~from:pwd
let lib_path lib =
let cmd = Cmd.(ocamlfind % "query" % lib) in
run cmd |> List.hd |> relativize_path
let lib_paths =
(fun lib acc ->
(lib, lib_path lib) :: acc)
dep_libraries []
We need a function to find odoc
inputs from the given search path. odoc
operates on .cmti
, .cmt
, or .cmi
files, in order of preference, and the following function finds all matching files starting from the given path. Then it returns an Fpath.Set.t
that contains the Fpath.t
values representing the absolute file path, without its extension.
let find_units p =
OS.Dir.fold_contents ~dotfiles:true
(fun p acc ->
if List.exists (fun ext -> Fpath.has_ext ext p) [ "cmt"; "cmti"; "cmi" ]
then p :: acc
else acc)
[] (Fpath.v p)
>>|= fun paths ->
let l = Fpath.rem_ext paths in
let l =
(fun f ->
not @@ Astring.String.is_infix ~affix:"ocamldoc" (Fpath.to_string f))
List.fold_right Fpath.Set.add l Fpath.Set.empty;;
Since the units returned by this function have their extension stripped, we need function to find the best file to use with this basename.
let best_file base = (fun ext -> Fpath.add_ext ext base) [ "cmti"; "cmt"; "cmi" ]
|> List.find (fun f -> Bos.OS.File.exists f |> get_ok)
Many of the units will be 'hidden', meaning that Dune will mangle their name in order to namespace them. This is achieved by prefixing the namespace module and a double underscore, so we can tell by the existence of a double underscore that a module is intended to be hidden. The following predicate tests for that condition:
let is_hidden path = Astring.String.is_infix ~affix:"__" (Fpath.to_string path)
To build the documentation, we start with these files. With the following function, we'll call odoc compile-deps
on the file to find all other compilation units upon which it depends:
type compile_deps = { digest : Digest.t; deps : (string * Digest.t) list }
let compile_deps f =
let cmd = Cmd.(odoc % "compile-deps" % Fpath.to_string f) in
let deps = run cmd in
let l = List.filter_map (Astring.String.cut ~sep:" ") deps in
let basename = Fpath.(basename (f |> rem_ext)) |> String.capitalize_ascii in
match List.partition (fun (n, _) -> basename = n) l with
| [ (_, digest) ], deps -> Ok { digest; deps }
| _ -> Error (`Msg "odd")
For each compiled odoc file, we'll need to remember some options given at odoc compile
-time. An example of this is the source code rendering: when we enable the feature at compile time, we need to provide the source file at html generation.
type unit = {
file : Fpath.t;
ignore_output : bool;
source : Fpath.t option;
assets : string list;
For odoc
libraries, we infer the implementation and interface source file path from the library name. We list them in a file, passed to odoc source-tree
, to generate src-source.odoc
. This file contains the source hierarchy, and will be linked and passed to html-generate
just as other pages and compilation units.
It is used as the source-parent
for all units for which we could provide sources.
let source_tree_output = ref [ "" ]
let source_tree ?(ignore_output = false) ~parent ~output file =
let open Cmd in
let parent = v "--parent" % ("page-\"" ^ parent ^ "\"") in
let cmd = odoc % "source-tree" % "-I" % "." %% parent % "-o" % p output % p file in
let lines = run cmd in
if not ignore_output then
add_prefixed_output cmd source_tree_output (Fpath.to_string file) lines
let odoc_source_tree = Fpath.v "src-source.odoc"
let source_dir_of_odoc_lib lib =
match String.split_on_char '_' lib with
| "odoc" :: s ->
let libname = Fpath.(v (String.concat "_" s)) in
Some Fpath.(v "src" // libname)
| _ -> None
let source_files_of_odoc_module lib module_ =
let filename =
let module_ =
match Astring.String.cut ~rev:true ~sep:"__" module_ with
| None -> module_
| Some (_, "") -> module_
| Some (_, module_) -> module_
(* should not be renamed *)
if String.for_all (fun c -> Char.equal (Char.uppercase_ascii c) c) module_
then module_
else String.uncapitalize_ascii module_
match source_dir_of_odoc_lib lib with
| None -> None
| Some relpath ->
let add_filename path ext =
Fpath.( / ) path filename |> Fpath.add_ext ext
let find_by_extension path exts =
|> (fun ext -> add_filename path ext)
|> List.find_opt (fun f -> Bos.OS.File.exists (relativize f) |> get_ok)
find_by_extension relpath [ ""; "ml" ]
let compile_source_tree units =
let sources =
List.filter_map (fun (_, _, _, file) -> Fpath.to_string file) units
let source_map = Fpath.v "" in
let () = Bos.OS.File.write_lines source_map sources |> get_ok in
let () = source_tree ~parent:"odoc" ~output:odoc_source_tree source_map in
{ file = odoc_source_tree ; ignore_output = false ; source = None ; assets = [] }
Let's now put together a list of all possible modules. We'll keep track of which library they're in, and whether that library is a part of odoc
or a dependency library.
let odoc_all_unit_paths = find_units ".." |> get_ok
let odoc_units =
(fun lib ->
(fun p acc ->
if Astring.String.is_infix ~affix:lib (Fpath.to_string p) then
let impl =
let module_ = Fpath.basename p in
source_files_of_odoc_module lib module_
("odoc", lib, p, impl) :: acc
else acc)
odoc_all_unit_paths [])
let all_units =
let lib_units =
(fun (lib, p) ->
(fun p acc -> ("deps", lib, p, None) :: acc)
(find_units p |> get_ok)
lib_paths in
odoc_units @ lib_units |> List.flatten
Now we'll compile all of the parent .mld
files. To ensure that the parents are compiled before the children, we start with odoc.mld
, then deps.mld
, and so on. The result of this file is a list of the resulting odoc
let search_file = "index.js"
let compile_mlds () =
let mkpage x = "page-\"" ^ x ^ "\"" in
let mkmod x = "module-" ^ String.capitalize_ascii x in
let mkmld x = Fpath.(add_ext "mld" (v x)) in
(compile (mkmld "odoc")
("src-source" :: "page-deps" :: mkpage (odoc_libraries @ extra_docs)));
ignore (compile (mkmld "deps") ~parent:"odoc" ( mkpage dep_libraries));
let extra_odocs =
(fun p ->
ignore (compile (mkmld p) ~parent:"odoc" []);
"page-" ^ p ^ ".odoc")
let odocs =
(fun library ->
let parent = List.assoc library parents in
let children =
(fun (parent, lib, child, _) ->
if lib = library then Some (Fpath.basename child |> mkmod)
else None)
ignore (compile (mkmld ("library_mlds/"^library)) ~parent children);
"page-" ^ library ^ ".odoc")
{ file = Fpath.v "page-odoc.odoc" ; ignore_output = false ; source = None ; assets = [] } ::
(fun f -> { file = Fpath.v f ; ignore_output = false ; source = None; assets = [] })
( "page-deps.odoc" :: odocs @ extra_odocs)
Now we get to the compilation phase. For each unit, we query its dependencies, then recursively call to compile these dependencies. Once this is done we compile the unit itself. If the unit has already been compiled we don't do anything. Note that we aren't checking the hashes of the dependencies which a build system should do to ensure that the module being compiled is the correct one. Again we benefit from the fact that we're creating the docs for one leaf package and that there must be no module name clashes in its dependencies. The result of this function is a list of the resulting odoc
let compile_all () =
let mld_odocs = compile_mlds () in
let source_tree = compile_source_tree all_units in
let source_args = (fun source_relpath -> (source_relpath, odoc_source_tree))
let rec rec_compile ?impl parent lib file =
let output = Fpath.(base (set_ext "odoc" file)) in
if OS.File.exists output |> get_ok then []
let deps = compile_deps file |> get_ok in
let files =
(fun acc (dep_name, digest) ->
(fun (_, _, f, _) ->
Fpath.basename f |> String.capitalize_ascii = dep_name)
| None -> acc
| Some (parent, lib, dep_path, impl) ->
let file = best_file dep_path in
rec_compile ?impl parent lib file @ acc)
[] deps.deps
let ignore_output = parent = "deps" in
let source_args = source_args impl in
compile file ~parent:lib ?source_args ~ignore_output [];
{ file = output ; ignore_output ; source = impl; assets = [] } :: files
:: List.fold_left
(fun acc (parent, lib, dep, impl) ->
acc @ rec_compile ?impl parent lib (best_file dep))
[] all_units
@ mld_odocs
Linking is now straightforward. We link all odoc
let link_all odoc_files =
(fun ({ file = odoc_file ; ignore_output ; _ } as unit) ->
ignore (link ~ignore_output odoc_file);
{ unit with file = Fpath.set_ext "odocl" odoc_file })
Now we simply run odoc html-generate
over all of the resulting odocl
files. This will generate sources, as well as documentation for non-hidden units. We notify the generator that the javascript file to use for search is index.js
let generate_all odocl_files =
let relativize_opt = function None -> None | Some file -> Some (relativize file) in
let search_uris = [Fpath.v "minisearch.js"; Fpath.v "index.js"] in
(fun ({file = f ; ignore_output = _ ; source ; assets}) ->
ignore(html_generate ~assets ~search_uris f (relativize_opt source)))
support_files ()
Finally, we generate an index of all values, types, ... This index is meant to be consumed by search engines, to create their own index. It consists of a JSON array, containing entries with the name, full name, associated comment, link and anchor, and kind. Generating the index is done via odoc compile-index
, which create a json file.
Search engines written in OCaml can also call the Odoc_model.Fold.unit
function, in conjunction with Odoc_search.Entry.entry_of_item
in order to get an OCaml value of each element to be indexed.
let index_generate ?(ignore_output = false) () =
let open Cmd in
let files =
OS.Dir.contents (Fpath.v ".")
|> get_ok
|> List.filter (Fpath.has_ext "odocl")
|> List.filter (fun p -> not (String.equal "src-source.odocl" (Fpath.filename p)))
|> List.filter (fun p -> not (is_hidden p))
|> Fpath.to_string
let index_map = Fpath.v "" in
let () = Bos.OS.File.write_lines index_map files |> get_ok in
let cmd =
odoc % "compile-index" % "-o" % "html/index.json" % "--file-list"
% p index_map
let lines = run cmd in
if not ignore_output then
add_prefixed_output cmd generate_output "index compilation" lines
We turn the JSON index into a javascript file. In order to never block the UI, this file will be used as a web worker by odoc
, to perform searches:
- The search query will be sent as a plain string to the web worker, using the standard mechanism of message passing
- The web worker has to sent back the result as a message to the main thread, containing the list of result. Each entry of this list must have the same form as it had in the original JSON file.
- The file must be given to the
In this driver, we use the minisearch javascript library. For more involved application, we could use index.js
to call a server-side search engine via an API call.
let js_index () =
let index = Fpath.(v "html" / "index.json") |> get_ok in
Bos.OS.File.writef (Fpath.v search_file) {|
let documents =
let miniSearch = new MiniSearch({
fields: ['id', 'doc', 'entry_id'], // fields to index for full-text search
storeFields: ['display'], // fields to return with search results
idField: 'entry_id',
extractField: (document, fieldName) => {
if (fieldName === 'id') {
return => e.kind + "-" +'.')
return document[fieldName]
// Use a unique id since some entries' id are not unique (type extension or
// standalone doc comments for instance)
documents.forEach((entry,i) => entry.entry_id = i)
onmessage = (m) => {
let query =;
let result =;
postMessage(result.slice(0,200).map(a => a.display));
|} index |> get_ok ; Bos.Cmd.(v "cp" % search_file % "html/") |> get_ok; Bos.Cmd.(v "cp" % "minisearch.js" % "html/") |> get_ok;
The following code executes all of the above, and we're done!
let compiled = compile_all () in
let linked = link_all compiled in
let () = index_generate () in
let _ = js_index () in
generate_all linked
Let's see if there was any output from the odoc
# !compile_output;;
- : string list = [""]
# (* Not showing output from 'odoc link' as it is unstable. !link_output *);;
# !source_tree_output;;
- : string list = [""]
# !generate_output;;
- : string list = [""]
We can have a look at the produced hierarchy of files, which matches the desired output. Note that source files with a .ml.html
extension are generated for modules compiled with the --source
$ ls html/odoc
$ find html/odoc/odoc_html | sort
Some code to analyze the list of executed commands:
(** Return the list of executed commands where the first argument was [cmd]. *)
let filter_commands cmd =
(fun c ->
match Bos.Cmd.to_list c.cmd with
| _ :: cmd' :: _ -> cmd = cmd'
| _ -> false)
| [] -> failwith ("No commands run for " ^ cmd)
| (_ :: _) as cmds -> cmds
(** Returns the [k] commands that took the most time for a given subcommand. *)
let k_longest_commands cmd k =
filter_commands cmd |>
List.sort (fun a b -> b.time a.time) |>
List.filteri (fun i _ -> i < k)
(** Print an executed command and its time. *)
let print_cmd c =
Printf.printf "[%4.2f] $ %s\n" c.time (Cmd.to_string c.cmd)
If needed, the list of commands executed so far can be shown by de-commenting this block:
# (* List.iter print_cmd (List.rev !commands);; *)
If needed, the list of the slowest commands for each subcommands can be shown by de-commenting this block: (for the record, these commands are run from directory `_build/default/doc`)
# (* List.iter print_cmd (k_longest_commands "compile" 5) *)
# (* List.iter print_cmd (k_longest_commands "link" 5) *)
# (* List.iter print_cmd (k_longest_commands "html-generate" 5) *)
This last block analyze the running times so that they can be submitted to current-bench.
(* *)
#require "yojson" ;;
let rec compute_min_max_avg min_ max_ total count = function
| [] -> (min_, max_, total /. float count, count)
| hd :: tl ->
compute_min_max_avg (min min_ hd) (max max_ hd) (total +. hd) (count + 1)
let compute_min_max_avg = function
| [] -> assert false
| hd :: tl -> compute_min_max_avg hd hd hd 1 tl
let compute_metric_int prefix suffix description values =
let min, max, avg, count = compute_min_max_avg values in
let min = int_of_float min in
let max = int_of_float max in
let avg = int_of_float avg in
("name", `String (prefix ^ "-total-" ^ suffix));
("value", `Int count);
("description", `String ("Number of " ^ description));
("name", `String (prefix ^ "-size-" ^ suffix));
( "value",
`Assoc [ ("min", `Int min); ("max", `Int max); ("avg", `Int avg) ] );
("units", `String "b");
("description", `String ("Size of " ^ description));
("trend", `String "lower-is-better");
(** Analyze the running time of a command. *)
let compute_metric_cmd cmd =
let cmds = filter_commands cmd in
let times = (fun c -> c.time) cmds in
let min, max, avg, count = compute_min_max_avg times in
("name", `String ("total-" ^ cmd));
("value", `Int count);
("description", `String ("Number of time 'odoc " ^ cmd ^ "' has run."));
("name", `String ("time-" ^ cmd));
( "value",
[ ("min", `Float min); ("max", `Float max); ("avg", `Float avg) ] );
("units", `String "s");
("description", `String ("Time taken by 'odoc " ^ cmd ^ "'"));
("trend", `String "lower-is-better");
(** Analyze the size of files produced by a command. *)
let compute_produced_cmd cmd =
let output_file_size c =
match c.output_file with
| Some f -> (
match Bos.OS.Path.stat f with
| Ok st -> Some (float st.Unix.st_size)
| Error _ -> None)
| None -> None
let sizes = List.filter_map output_file_size (filter_commands cmd) in
compute_metric_int "produced" cmd
("files produced by 'odoc " ^ cmd ^ "'")
(** Analyze the size of files outputed to the given directory. *)
let compute_produced_tree cmd dir =
let acc_file_sizes path acc =
match Bos.OS.Path.stat path with
| Ok st -> float st.Unix.st_size :: acc
| Error _ -> acc
Bos.OS.Dir.fold_contents ~dotfiles:true ~elements:`Files acc_file_sizes []
(Fpath.v dir)
|> get_ok
|> compute_metric_int "produced" cmd ("files produced by 'odoc " ^ cmd ^ "'")
(** Analyze the running time of the slowest commands. *)
let compute_longest_cmd cmd =
let k = 5 in
let cmds = k_longest_commands cmd k in
let times = (fun c -> c.time) cmds in
let min, max, avg, _count = compute_min_max_avg times in
("name", `String ("longest-" ^ cmd));
( "value",
[ ("min", `Float min); ("max", `Float max); ("avg", `Float avg) ] );
("units", `String "s");
( "description",
(Printf.sprintf "Time taken by the %d longest calls to 'odoc %s'" k
cmd) );
("trend", `String "lower-is-better");
let metrics =
compute_metric_cmd "compile"
@ compute_metric_cmd "compile-deps"
@ compute_metric_cmd "link"
@ compute_metric_cmd "html-generate"
@ compute_longest_cmd "compile"
@ compute_longest_cmd "link"
@ compute_produced_cmd "compile"
@ compute_produced_cmd "link"
@ compute_produced_tree "html-generate" "html/"
let bench_results =
("name", `String "odoc");
( "results",
[ ("name", `String "driver.mld"); ("metrics", `List metrics) ];
] );
(* Save the result in a file. This file won't be promoted into the
documentation. *)
let () = Yojson.to_file "driver-benchmarks.json" bench_results