package octez-smart-rollup-node-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type compression =
  1. | No

    Produce uncompressed archive. Takes more space.

  2. | On_the_fly

    Compress archive on the fly. The rollup node will use less disk space to produce the snapshot but will lock the rollup node (if running) for a longer time.

  3. | After

    Compress archive after snapshot creation. Uses more disk space temporarily than On_the_fly but does not lock the rollup node for very long.


Compression strategy for snapshot archives.

val export : no_checks:bool -> compression:compression -> data_dir:string -> dest:string option -> filename:string option -> string Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t

export ~no_checks ~compression ~data_dir ~dest ~filename creates a tar gzipped archive with name filename (or a generated name) in dest (or the current directory) containing a snapshot of the data of the rollup node with data directory data_dir. The path of the snapshot archive is returned. If no_checks is true, the integrity of the snapshot is not checked at the end.

val export_compact : compression:compression -> data_dir:string -> dest:string option -> filename:string option -> string Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t

export_compact ~compression ~data_dir ~dest ~filename creates a tar gzipped archive with name filename (or a generated name) in dest (or the current directory) containing a snapshot of the data of the rollup node with data directory data_dir. The difference with export is that the snapshot contains a single commit for the context (which must be reconstructed on import) but is significantly smaller.

val import : no_checks:bool -> force:bool -> Tezos_client_base.Client_context.full -> data_dir:string -> snapshot_file:string -> unit Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t

import ~no_checks ~force cctxt ~data_dir ~snapshot_file imports the snapshot at path snapshot_file into the data directory data_dir. If no_checks is true, the integrity of the imported data is not checked at the end. Import will fail if data_dir is already populated unless force is set to true.

val info : snapshot_file:string -> Snapshot_utils.snapshot_metadata * [ `Compressed | `Uncompressed ]

info ~snapshot_file returns information that can be used to inspect the snapshot file.

with_modify_data_dir cctxt ~data_dir ?skip_condition f applies f in a read-write context that is created from data-dir (and a potential existing configuration). The node context given to f does not follow the L1 chain and f is only supposed to modify the data of the rollup node. It is used internally by this module to reconstruct contexts from a snapshot but can also be use by the Repair module to apply fixes off-line.


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