package octez-smart-rollup-node-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Worker module for a single refutation game player. The node's refutation coordinator will spawn a new refutation player for each refutation game.

Type for a refutation game player.

init_and_play node_ctxt ~self ~conflict ~game ~level initializes a new refutation game player for signer self. After initizialization, the worker will play the next move depending on the game state. If no game is passed, the worker will play the opening move for conflict.

val play : worker -> Octez_smart_rollup.Game.t -> level:int32 -> unit Lwt.t

play worker game ~level makes the worker play the next move depending on the game state for their conflict.

val shutdown : worker -> unit Lwt.t

Shutdown a refutaiton game player.

val current_games : unit -> (Tezos_crypto.Signature.public_key_hash * worker) list

current_games () lists the opponents' this node is playing refutation games against, alongside the worker that takes care of each game.


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