package octez-smart-rollup-node-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type unsafe_patch =
  1. | Increase_max_nb_ticks of int64

    Increase the maximum number of ticks.


The type of individual unsafe patch content.

type kind =
  1. | Hardcoded

    Hardcoded by the rollup node

  2. | User_provided

    Provided by the user in the configuration file


Where the patch comes from

type t = private (unsafe_patch * kind) list

The type of registered patches for the PVM.

Encoding for unsafe patches.

val pp_unsafe_patch : Format.formatter -> unsafe_patch -> unit

Pretty printer for unsafe patches.

make kind address patches builds the patches from the user provided list patches and adds the hardcoded PVM patches for the rollup address.


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