package octez-smart-rollup-node-lib
The type of vertical sequences of progress bars. The parameter 'a
stores a list of the reporting functions associated with each bar, terminating with 'b
. For example:
(* Single progress bar, taking a [float] value. *)
(float reporter -> 'b, 'b) t
(* A two-bar layout, where the top bar takes [int64]s and the bottom one
takes [string * float] pairs. *)
(int64 reporter -> (string * float) reporter -> 'b, 'b) t
These reporting functions are supplied when beginning the rendering process.
Construct a multiple-line layout from a single progress bar line.
Construct a multiple-line layout from a sequence of lines that all have the same type of reported values.
Stack progress bars vertically. a ++ b
is a set with a
stacked on top of b
. The two sections have separate reporting functions, passed consecutively to the with_reporters
continuation when rendering.
val blank : ('a, 'a) t
A blank line, for adding spacing between progress lines.
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"