package octez-smart-rollup-node-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Basic line segments

val const : string -> _ t

const s is the segment that always displays s.

val constf : ('a, Format.formatter, unit, _ t) format4 -> 'a

Like const, but takes a format string and corresponding arguments. constf "..." a b c ... is equivalent to const (Format.asprintf "..." a b c ...), except that colours added with Fmt.styled are not discarded.

val string : string t

A line segment that displays a dynamically-sized string message. Use lpad and rpad to pad the message up to a given length.

val lpad : int -> 'a t -> 'a t

lpad n t left-pads the segment t to size n by adding blank space at the start.

val rpad : int -> 'a t -> 'a t

rpad n t right-pads the segment t to size n by adding blank space at the end.

val of_printer : ?init:'a -> 'a Printer.t -> 'a t

of_printer p is a segment that renders the latest reported value using printer p. See sum for a variant that reports accumulated values instead.

Counting segments

These segments all consume integer values and display the accumulated total of reported values in some way. The top-level Line segments are specialised to int values; see "Alternative integer types" for variants supporting int32, int64 etc.

val count_to : ?pp:int64 Printer.t -> ?sep:unit t -> int64 -> int64 t

count_to target renders both the current running total of reported values and the fixed value target, separated by the the given separator, i.e. 42/100. sep defaults to const "/".

val bytes : int64 t

Prints the running total as a number of bytes, using ISO/IEC binary prefixes (e.g. 10.4 MiB). See also bytes_per_sec.

val percentage_of : int64 -> int64 t

percentage_of target renders the running total as a percentage of target, i.e. 42%. Values outside the range [0, 100] will be clamped to either 0 or 100.

val sum : ?pp:int64 Printer.t -> width:int -> unit -> int64 t

sum ~width () displays a running total of reported values using width-many terminal columns. If passed, pp overrides the printer used for rendering the count.

Graphical segments

module Bar_style : sig ... end
val bar : ?style:[ `ASCII | `UTF8 | `Custom of Bar_style.t ] -> ?color:Color.t -> ?width:[ `Fixed of int | `Expand ] -> ?data:[ `Sum | `Latest ] -> int64 -> int64 t

bar total is a progress bar of the form: [#################...............]

The proportion of the bar that is filled is given by <reported_so_far> / total. Optional parameters are as follows:

  • ?style specifies whether to use a UTF-8 or an ASCII encoding for the progress bar. The UTF-8 encoding shows a higher resolution of progress, but may not be supported in all terminals. The default is `ASCII.
  • ?color causes the filled portion of the bar to be rendered with the given colour. (Equivalent to setting the colour with Bar_style.with_color.)
  • ?width is the width of the bar in columns. Defaults to `Expand, which causes the bar to occupy the remaining rendering space after accounting for other line segments on the same line.
  • ?data changes the metric that is indicated by the progress bar. `Sum (the default) causes the progress bar to correspond to the running total of values reported so far. `Latest causes each reported value to overwrite the previous one instead.
val spinner : ?frames:string list -> ?color:Color.t -> ?min_interval:Duration.t option -> unit -> _ t

spinner () is a small segment that cycles over a fixed number of frames each time a value is reported. e.g.

⠋ → ⠙ → ⠹ → ⠸ → ⠼ → ⠴ → ⠦ → ⠧ → ⠇ → ⠏ → ...

Optional prameters are as follows:

  • ?frames alters the sequence of frames rendered by the spinner;
  • ?color causes each frame to be rendered with the given colour;
  • ?min_interval is the minimum time interval between frame transitions of the spinner (i.e. a debounce threshold). The default is Some 80ms.

Time-sensitive segments

val bytes_per_sec : int64 t

bytes_per_sec renders the rate of change of the running total as a number of bytes per second, using ISO/IEC binary prefixes (e.g. 10.4 MiB/s).

val elapsed : ?pp:Duration.t Printer.t -> unit -> _ t

Displays the time for which the bar has been rendering in MM:SS form.

val eta : ?pp:Duration.t Printer.t -> int64 -> int64 t

Displays an estimate of the remaining time until total is accumulated by the reporters, in MM:SS form.

val rate : float Printer.t -> int64 t

rate pp is an integer segment that uses pp to print the rate of reported values per second. (For instance, bytes_per_sec is rate Units.Bytes.of_float.)

Combining segments

val (++) : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

Horizontally join two segments of the same reported value type.

val list : ?sep:'a t -> 'a t list -> 'a t

Horizontally join a list of segments, with a given separator. sep defaults to const " ".

val pair : ?sep:unit t -> 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t

Horizontally join a pair of segments consuming different reported values into a single segment that consumes a pair.

val using : ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t -> 'a t

using f s is a segment that first applies f to the reported value and then behaves as segment s.


The following line segments are definable in terms of the others, but provided for convenience:

val parens : 'a t -> 'a t

parens t is const "(" ++ t ++ const ")".

val brackets : 'a t -> 'a t

brackets t is const "[" ++ t ++ const "]".

val braces : 'a t -> 'a t

braces t is const "{" ++ t ++ const "}".

val noop : unit -> _ t

A zero-width line segment that does nothing. This segment will not be surrounded with separators when used in a list, making it a useful "off" state for conditionally-enabled segments.

val spacer : int -> _ t

spacer n is const (String.make n ' ').

val ticker_to : ?sep:unit t -> int64 -> _ t

ticker_to total is using ~f:(fun _ -> 1) (counter_to total). i.e. it renders the total number of reported values of some arbitrary type.


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