package octez-shell-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Global types used in the store library

type block_descriptor = Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Block_hash.t * int32

The type used to describe a block pointer i.e. its hash and level.

val block_descriptor_equal : block_descriptor -> block_descriptor -> bool

Equality function for block_descriptor.

The type for chain configuration.

val chain_config_equal : chain_config -> chain_config -> bool

Equality function for chain_config.

Encoding for chain_config.

val pp_block_descriptor : Format.formatter -> block_descriptor -> unit

Pretty-printer for block_descriptor

type invalid_block = {
  1. level : int32;
  2. errors : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Error_monad.error list;

The type used to store an invalid block's value. We only retain the level and the errors encountered during validation. These values should be indexed by the block's hash.

val invalid_block_equal : invalid_block -> invalid_block -> bool

Equality function on invalid_block. Warning: uses polymorphic comparison on errors.

Encoding for invalid_block.

Module Block_lru_cache implements a lwt LRU cache map indexed by block hashes.

module Protocol_levels : sig ... end

Module Protocol_levels represents an associative map of protocol levels to corresponding blocks which supposedly activate new protocols, that is to say blocks that acknowledge a protocol change in the next block.


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