package octez-shell-libs
module Proof = Tezos_context_sigs.Context.Proof_types
type chain_prefix = unit * chain
val chain_path : (unit, chain_prefix) Tezos_rpc.Path.t
val chain_to_string : chain -> string
val chain_arg : chain Tezos_rpc.Arg.t
type block = [
| `Genesis
(*The genesis block
*)| `Head of int
th predecessor of thecurrent_head
block ifn > 0
. Ifn = 0
, represents thecurrent_head
should not be negative since thecurrent_head
does not have successors.| `Alias of [ `Caboose | `Checkpoint | `Savepoint ] * int
th predecessor of thecaboose
, thecheckpoint
or thesavepoint
ifn > 0
. Ifn = 0
, represents the block itself. Ifn < 0
, represents then
th successor.| `Hash of Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Block_hash.t * int
th predecessor of the block of givenhash
ifn > 0
. Ifn = 0
, represents the block itself. Otherwise, ifn < 0
, represents then
th successor.| `Level of Int32.t
(*The block at a given
A representation of a block's position relatively to a known block of a chain.
A block range in the form level..level
. Currently, this function supports only level..level
val parse_block_or_range : string -> (block_or_range, string) result
val to_string : block -> string
val dir_path : (chain_prefix, chain_prefix) Tezos_rpc.Path.t
val path : (chain_prefix, chain_prefix * block) Tezos_rpc.Path.t
val mempool_path : ('a, 'b) Tezos_rpc.Path.t -> ('a, 'b) Tezos_rpc.Path.t
val live_blocks_path : ('a, 'b) Tezos_rpc.Path.t -> ('a, 'b) Tezos_rpc.Path.t
val raw_context_encoding :
Proof.raw_context Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t
val raw_context_insert :
(string list * Proof.raw_context) ->
Proof.raw_context ->
raw_context_insert (k,v) c
inserts a key-value pair (k,v)
in a raw_context c
. If k
collides to a existing sub-tree in c
, the sub-tree is replaced by a new key-value pair.
module type PROTO = sig ... end
type protocols = {
current_protocol : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Protocol_hash.t;
next_protocol : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Protocol_hash.t;
val protocols :
Tezos_rpc.Context.simple ->
?chain:chain ->
?block:block ->
unit ->
protocols Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t
module Make (Proto : PROTO) (Next_proto : PROTO) : sig ... end
module Fake_protocol : PROTO
module Empty : sig ... end