package octez-protocol-020-PsParisC-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Symbolic : sig ... end

A collections of functions to introspect the symbolic part of the ValidationMachine state.

module Concrete : sig ... end

A collections of functions to introspect the concrete part of the ValidationMachine state.

build specs asynchronously computes (1) an initial state for the ValidationMachine, and (2) the environment associated to this state.

The machine enforces the resulting state is consistent with the specs given as inputs, and raises an Assert_failure exception if it does not. It also enforces that the machines used underneath remain in sync.

One can use the optional argument subsidy to set the subsidy amount to a given value (by default, we use the same as the main chain). Additionally, the invariant optional argument can be used to verify that a given invariant holds at the end of the initialization.

step s env state asynchronously executes a single step s from state.

The invariant optional argument can be used to verify that a given invariant holds after each baked block.

run lss env state asynchronously executes a list of steps from state.

The invariant optional argument can be used to verify that a given invariant holds after each baked block.


Innovation. Community. Security.