package octez-protocol-020-PsParisC-libs
Concurrent worker for consensus operations and block forging
This component allows the concurrent production of consensus operations and blocks. It's meant to be used by pushing specific requests as tasks and waiting for their completions on a dedicated event stream.
Block forging implies the retrieval of current operations and context validation (and application if needed) and then producing a signature. For consensus operations, the heavy work is mostly on producing a signature. Signatures are expected to be concurrent in order not to block the main execution thread.
Each task is associated to a delegate. This worker is designed to work concurrently on each delegate's tasks. However, if a request is pushed for a delegate while an existing one is active, this new request will be enqueued and only be executed after the completion of the first one. Hence, only one request may be active per delegate at any time.
It is possible to cancel all pending tasks but it is not possible to cancel each delegate's active tasks. This is explained by the fact that we do not have control over the different signers scheme and, in particular, some are not cancellable at all (e.g., ledger).
type t = worker
val push_request : worker -> Baking_state.forge_request -> unit
push_request worker request
pushes the request
to the worker to be treated. Each forge_request
is associated to a specific delegate. The request will be treated whenever the delegate's associated queue is available. If, the delegate's queue did not previously exist, it will be created.
val get_event_stream : worker -> Baking_state.forge_event Lwt_stream.t
get_event_stream worker
returns the worker's stream of events onto which tasks completion results are pushed.
val cancel_all_pending_tasks : worker -> unit
cancel_all_pending_tasks worker
cancels all the worker's delegate queues pending tasks.
shutdown worker
triggers the worker
shutdown. This function cancels all pending tasks but still waits for each active one to complete.
val start : Baking_state.global_state -> worker
start global_state
creates and runs a worker based on a baker's global_state