package octez-protocol-020-PsParisC-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Plompiler circuits for the dummy rollup


module L : Plompiler.LIB


module E : sig ... end
module Encodings = L.Encodings
val coerce : (L.scalar L.repr * Z.t) -> L.scalar L.repr
val logic_op : old_state:bool L.Bool.repr -> rollup_id:'a -> Types.V(L).op_u -> bool L.Bool.repr L.t

Common logic for the state transition function

val predicate_op : ?kind:L.input_kind -> old_state:bool -> new_state:bool -> fee:fee Bounded.P.t -> exit_validity:bool -> rollup_id:Types.P.tezos_pkh -> Types.P.op -> unit L.repr L.t

Circuit definition for one public operation

val predicate_batch : old_state:bool -> new_state:bool -> fees:amount Bounded.P.t -> rollup_id:Types.P.tezos_pkh -> Types.P.op list -> unit L.repr L.t

Circuit definition for a batch of private operations

val predicate_fees : old_state:bool -> new_state:bool -> fees:amount Bounded.P.t -> unit L.repr L.t

Fee circuit


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