package octez-protocol-011-PtHangz2-libs
This module allows the creation Sapling transactions: shield, unshield and transfer. Because Sapling uses an UTXO model, it is necessary for the client to maintain locally the set of unspent outputs for each viewing key, for each smart contract. This operation is called scanning. This local cache is updated downloading from the node only the difference from the last scanned state.
module UTXO = Tezos_sapling.Core.Validator_legacy.UTXO
module Tez :
module type of Tezos_protocol_011_PtHangz2.Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez
module Shielded_tez : sig ... end
This module is used to represent any shielded token to avoid confusing it with Tez.
module Shielded_tez_contract_input : sig ... end
Actual input to a smart contract handling Sapling transactions
module Account : sig ... end
Account corresponding to a contract and a viewing key
module Contract_state : sig ... end
State of a contract, potentially involving several viewing keys
module Client_state : sig ... end
val shield :
Tezos_client_base.Client_context.full ->
dst:Tezos_sapling.Core.Client.Viewing_key.address ->
?message:bytes ->
Tez.t ->
Contract_state.t ->
string ->
Shielded_tez_contract_input.t Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t
shield ~message ~dst tez cstate anti-replay
returns a transaction shielding tez
tez to a sapling address dst
using a sapling storage cstate
and the anti-replay string.
val unshield :
src:Tezos_sapling.Core.Client.Spending_key.t ->
dst:Tezos_crypto.Signature.V0.public_key_hash ->
backdst:Tezos_sapling.Core.Client.Viewing_key.address ->
Shielded_tez.t ->
Contract_state.t ->
string ->
Shielded_tez_contract_input.t Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult
unshield ~src_name ~src ~dst ~backdst stez cstate storage
returns a transaction unshielding stez
shielded tokens from a sapling wallet src
to a transparent tezos address dst
, sending the change back to backdst
and using a Sapling storage cstate
and a anti-replay string. The transaction is refused if there is an insufficient amount of shielded tez in the wallet src
, the error is raised with src_name
val transfer :
Tezos_client_base.Client_context.full ->
src:Tezos_sapling.Core.Client.Spending_key.t ->
dst:Tezos_sapling.Core.Client.Viewing_key.address ->
backdst:Tezos_sapling.Core.Client.Viewing_key.address ->
?message:bytes ->
Shielded_tez.t ->
Contract_state.t ->
string ->
UTXO.transaction Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t
transfer ~message ~src ~dst ~backdst amount cstate anti-replay
creates a Sapling transaction of amount
shielded tez from Sapling wallet src
to Sapling address dst
, sending the change to backdst
, using a Sapling storage cstate
and a anti-replay string. ~message
is a message that will be uploaded encrypted on chain.