package octez-protocol-011-PtHangz2-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type fee_parameter = {
  1. minimal_fees : Tezos_protocol_011_PtHangz2.Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.t;
  2. minimal_nanotez_per_byte : Q.t;
  3. minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit : Q.t;
  4. force_low_fee : bool;
  5. fee_cap : Tezos_protocol_011_PtHangz2.Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.t;
  6. burn_cap : Tezos_protocol_011_PtHangz2.Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.t;
val dummy_fee_parameter : fee_parameter
val inject_operation : Protocol_client_context.full -> chain:Tezos_shell_services.Shell_services.chain -> block:Tezos_shell_services.Shell_services.block -> ?confirmations:int -> ?dry_run:bool -> ?simulation:bool -> ?branch:int -> ?src_sk:Tezos_client_base.Client_keys_v0.sk_uri -> ?verbose_signing:bool -> fee_parameter:fee_parameter -> 'kind Tezos_protocol_011_PtHangz2.Protocol.Alpha_context.contents_list -> 'kind result_list Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t

/!\ inject_operation does not perform automatic patching of gas, storage and fees; use inject_manager_operation to inject manager operations.

Collects the addresses of all contracts originated by a batch of operations by looking at the operation results. Fails if an operation in the batch is failed unless force is given.


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