package octez-proto-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type version
val v2 : version
type input = {
  1. inbox_level : Bounded.Non_negative_int32.t;
  2. message_counter : Z.t;
type output = {
  1. outbox_level : Bounded.Non_negative_int32.t;
  2. message_index : Z.t;
type reveal_hash = string
type reveal =
  1. | Reveal_raw_data of reveal_hash
  2. | Reveal_metadata
type input_request =
  1. | No_input_required
  2. | Input_required
  3. | Reveal_required of reveal
type info = {
  1. current_tick : Z.t;
  2. last_input_read : input option;
  3. input_request : input_request;
module Make (Tree : Context.TREE with type key = string list and type value = bytes) : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.