package octez-libs
exception InvalidNode of Distributed.Node_id.t
type 'a io = 'a Lwt.t
type monitor_reason =
| Normal of Distributed.Process_id.t
| Exception of Distributed.Process_id.t * exn
| UnkownNodeId of Distributed.Process_id.t * Distributed.Node_id.t
| NoProcess of Distributed.Process_id.t
module Remote_config : sig ... end
module Local_config : sig ... end
val return : 'a -> 'a t
val register : string -> (Distributed.Process_id.t -> unit -> unit t) -> unit t
val fail : exn -> 'a t
val spawn :
?monitor:bool ->
Distributed.Node_id.t ->
proc_rep ->
Distributed.Process_id.t ->
(Distributed.Process_id.t * monitor_ref option) t
val case : (message_type -> (unit -> 'a t) option) -> 'a matcher_list
val termination_case : (monitor_reason -> 'a t) -> 'a matcher_list
val (|.) : 'a matcher_list -> 'a matcher_list -> 'a matcher_list
val receive : ?timeout_duration:float -> 'a matcher_list -> 'a option t
val receive_loop : ?timeout_duration:float -> bool matcher_list -> unit t
val send : Distributed.Process_id.t -> message_type -> unit t
val (>!) : Distributed.Process_id.t -> message_type -> unit t
val broadcast : Distributed.Node_id.t -> message_type -> unit t
val monitor : Distributed.Process_id.t -> monitor_ref t
val unmonitor : monitor_ref -> unit t
val get_self_pid : Distributed.Process_id.t t
val get_self_node : Distributed.Node_id.t t
val get_remote_node : string -> Distributed.Node_id.t option t
val get_remote_nodes : Distributed.Node_id.t list t
val add_remote_node : string -> int -> string -> Distributed.Node_id.t t
val remove_remote_node : Distributed.Node_id.t -> unit t
val run_node : ?process:(unit -> unit t) -> node_config -> unit io
module M : sig ... end
val dmap :
pids:Distributed.Process_id.t list ->
request:('a -> index:int -> 'step M.request) ->
reply:('step M.reply -> (unit -> 'b t) option) ->
'a list ->
'b list t
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"