package octez-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include Distributed.Message_type with type t = bytes with type t = A.t
type t = A.t

Abstract type representing the messages that will be sent between processes.

val string_of_message : t -> string

string_of_message msg returns the string representation of msg.

type 'a step = 'a A.step
type 'a request = 'a A.request
type 'a reply = 'a A.reply
val request_step : 'step request -> 'step step
val of_request : 'a request -> t
val of_reply : 'a reply -> t
val to_request : 'step step -> t -> 'step request option
val to_reply : 'step step -> t -> 'step reply option
val index : t -> int

Innovation. Community. Security.