package octez-l2-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type state
val compute_step_many : ?reveal_builtins:Builtins.reveals -> ?write_debug:Builtins.write_debug -> ?stop_at_snapshot:bool -> max_steps:int64 -> state -> (state * int64) Lwt.t

compute_step_many ~max_steps pvm_state forwards the VM by at most max_step compute tick, yielding if it reaches the maximum number of ticks for a toplevel kernel call. If the VM is expecting input, it gets stuck. If the VM is already stuck, this function may raise an exception. It is more efficient than compute_step if it has to be called for more than one tick, but its resulting pvm_state will be stricly equivalent. Returns a tuple containing the number of executed ticks and the new pvm_state.

val compute_step : state -> state Lwt.t

compute_step pvm_state forwards the VM by one compute tick. If the VM is expecting input, it gets stuck. If the VM is already stuck, this function may raise an exception. It is strictly equivalent to compute_step_many ~max_step=1 pvm_state.

val compute_step_with_debug : write_debug:Builtins.write_debug -> state -> state Lwt.t

compute_step_with_debug ~debug_flag pvm_state is exactly compute_step but it has the ability to enable the debugging host functions.

val set_input_step : Wasm_pvm_state.input_info -> string -> state -> state Lwt.t

set_input_step input_info message pvm_state forwards the VM by one input tick. If the VM is not expecting input, it gets stuck. If the VM is already stuck, this function may raise an exception. Note at this point the function raises an exception if the VM is not expecting input.

val reveal_step : bytes -> state -> state Lwt.t

reveal_step reveal_data pvm_state loads the reveal_data in the memory of module of the currently executed function.

If the VM does not expect any reveal data, this function raises an exception.

val get_info : state -> Lwt.t

get_info pvm_state provides a typed view of the current machine state. Should not raise.

val get_wasm_version : state -> Wasm_pvm_state.version Lwt.t

get_wasm_version pvm_state returns the current version at which the WASM PVM operates.


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