package octez-l2-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

This library provides functors to build various kinds of stores using mirage's index and Octez data-encoding libraries.

It is tailored to build stores for the Layer 2 nodes of Tezos (Tx-rollups and Smart rollups).

The stores built with this library support concurrent accesses thanks to the use of the light scheduler provided by Lwt_idle_waiter for exclusive write access.


type ('key, 'value) gc_iterator =
  1. | Retain of 'key list

    A simple list of keys to retain.

  2. | Iterator of {
    1. first : 'key;

      The key at which the iteration starts for the GC.

    2. next : 'key -> 'value -> 'key option Lwt.t;

      A function to compute the next element to explore from the last expired key, value binding in the store. We explicit the value here because the next element can be computed from it without accessing the store (e.g. to iterate over L2 blocks, we start from the head and the next element is computed from the predecessor field of the block.


    An iterator. The GC stops when the next function returns None.


An iterator for the GC functions.

module type SINGLETON_STORE = sig ... end

A store for single updatable values. Values are stored in a file on disk and are kept in memory in a cache.

module type INDEXABLE_STORE = sig ... end

An index store mapping keys to values. It uses an index file internally.

module type INDEXABLE_REMOVABLE_STORE = sig ... end

An index store mapping keys to values. Keys are associated to optional values in the index which allows them to be removed.

module type INDEXED_FILE = sig ... end

An indexed file (i.e. a file and an index) mapping keys to values. Contrary to INDEXABLE_STORE, the values can vary in size. Internally, values are stored, concatenated, in a append only file. The index file associates keys to offsets in this file (and a header to retrieve information more efficiently).

module type SIMPLE_INDEXED_FILE = sig ... end

Same as INDEXED_FILE but where headers are extracted from values.

module type NAME = sig ... end

Names for stores.

module type INDEX_KEY = sig ... end

Values that can be used as keys for indices.

module type ENCODABLE_VALUE = sig ... end

Values that can be encoded.

module type FIXED_ENCODABLE_VALUE = sig ... end

Values that can be encoded and whose encoding is a fixed size.

module type ENCODABLE_VALUE_HEADER = sig ... end

Values with a given fixed size header.


module Make_indexable (_ : NAME) (K : INDEX_KEY) (V : Index.Value.S) : INDEXABLE_STORE with type key := K.t and type value := V.t
module Make_indexed_file (_ : NAME) (K : INDEX_KEY) (V : ENCODABLE_VALUE_HEADER) : INDEXED_FILE with type key := K.t and type value := V.t and type header := V.Header.t
module Make_simple_indexed_file (_ : NAME) (K : INDEX_KEY) (V : sig ... end) : SIMPLE_INDEXED_FILE with type key := K.t and type value := V.t and type header := V.Header.t

Helper functors

module Make_index_key (E : sig ... end) : INDEX_KEY with type t = E.t

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