package ocsigenserver

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Accesscontrol: Conditional access to some sites

If you want to use this extension with Ocsigen Server's configuration file,

  1. have a look at the <<a_manual chapter="accesscontrol"|manual page>>.
  2. If you are using Ocsigen Server as a library, use the interface described
  3. here. Each of these functions behaves exactly as its configuration file counterpart.

This module belongs to ocamlfind package ocsigenserver.ext.accesscontrol.

Example of use (with <<a_manual chapter="redirectmod"|Redirectmod>>):

let _ =
    [ ~regexp:".*"
        [ Accesscontrol.(
            if_ (not_ ssl)
                    (Redirectmod.create_redirection ~full_url:false
                       ~regexp:"(.* )" "\\1")
                  () ]
              [ ... ]) ]
type condition
val ip : string -> condition
val port : int -> condition
val ssl : condition
val header : name:string -> regexp:string -> condition
val method_ : Cohttp.Code.meth -> condition
val protocol : Cohttp.Code.version -> condition
val path : regexp:string -> condition
val and_ : condition list -> condition
val or_ : condition list -> condition
val not_ : condition -> condition
val ifnotfound : ?code:string -> Ocsigen_server.instruction list -> Ocsigen_server.instruction
val allow_forward_for : ?check_equal_ip:bool -> unit -> Ocsigen_server.instruction
val allow_forward_proto : unit -> Ocsigen_server.instruction
val section : Lwt_log_core.section

Use Lwt_log.Section.set_level in order to change the log level


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