package ocaml-base-compiler

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Representation and manipulation of a type, but not class nor module type.

This module has an implementation although it declares only types. This is because other modules use the let module construct or access it so it is needed as a real module.

module Name = Odoc_name
type private_flag = Asttypes.private_flag =
  1. | Private
  2. | Public
type record_field = {
  1. rf_name : string;
  2. rf_mutable : bool;
  3. rf_type : Types.type_expr;
  4. mutable rf_text : option;

Description of a record type field.

type constructor_args =
  1. | Cstr_record of record_field list
  2. | Cstr_tuple of Types.type_expr list
type variant_constructor = {
  1. vc_name : string;
  2. vc_args : constructor_args;
  3. vc_ret : Types.type_expr option;
  4. mutable vc_text : option;

Description of a variant type constructor.

type type_kind =
  1. | Type_abstract
  2. | Type_variant of variant_constructor list
  3. | Type_record of record_field list
  4. | Type_open

    The various kinds of type.

type object_field = {
  1. of_name : string;
  2. of_type : Types.type_expr;
  3. mutable of_text : option;
type type_manifest =
  1. | Other of Types.type_expr
  2. | Object_type of object_field list
type t_type = {
  1. ty_name : Name.t;
  2. mutable ty_info : option;
  3. ty_parameters : (Types.type_expr * Types.Variance.t) list;
  4. ty_kind : type_kind;
  5. ty_private : private_flag;
  6. ty_manifest : type_manifest option;
  7. mutable ty_loc : Odoc_types.location;
  8. mutable ty_code : string option;

Representation of a type.