package ocaml-base-compiler

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Memprof is a profiling engine which randomly samples allocated memory words. Every allocated word has a probability of being sampled equal to a configurable sampling rate. Once a block is sampled, it becomes tracked. A tracked block triggers a user-defined callback as soon as it is allocated, promoted or deallocated.

Since blocks are composed of several words, a block can potentially be sampled several times. If a block is sampled several times, then each of the callbacks is called once for each event of this block: the multiplicity is given in the n_samples field of the allocation structure.

This engine makes it possible to implement a low-overhead memory profiler as an OCaml library.

Note: this API is EXPERIMENTAL. It may change without prior notice.

type t

the type of a profile

type allocation_source =
  1. | Normal
  2. | Marshal
  3. | Custom
type allocation = private {
  1. n_samples : int;

    The number of samples in this block (>= 1).

  2. size : int;

    The size of the block, in words, excluding the header.

  3. source : allocation_source;

    The cause of the allocation; Marshal cannot be produced since OCaml 5.

  4. callstack : Printexc.raw_backtrace;

    The callstack for the allocation.


The type of metadata associated with allocations. This is the type of records passed to the callback triggered by the sampling of an allocation.

type ('minor, 'major) tracker = {
  1. alloc_minor : allocation -> 'minor option;
  2. alloc_major : allocation -> 'major option;
  3. promote : 'minor -> 'major option;
  4. dealloc_minor : 'minor -> unit;
  5. dealloc_major : 'major -> unit;

A ('minor, 'major) tracker describes how memprof should track sampled blocks over their lifetime, keeping a user-defined piece of metadata for each of them: 'minor is the type of metadata to keep for minor blocks, and 'major the type of metadata for major blocks.

The member functions in a tracker are called callbacks.

If an allocation or promotion callback raises an exception or returns None, memprof stops tracking the corresponding block.

val null_tracker : ('minor, 'major) tracker

Default callbacks simply return None or ()

val start : sampling_rate:float -> ?callstack_size:int -> ('minor, 'major) tracker -> t

Start a profile with the given parameters. Raises an exception if a profile is already sampling in the current domain.

Sampling begins immediately. The parameter sampling_rate is the sampling rate in samples per word (including headers). Usually, with cheap callbacks, a rate of 1e-4 has no visible effect on performance, and 1e-3 causes the program to run a few percent slower.

The parameter callstack_size is the length of the callstack recorded at every sample. Its default is max_int.

The parameter tracker determines how to track sampled blocks over their lifetime in the minor and major heap.

Sampling is temporarily disabled on the current thread when calling a callback, so callbacks do not need to be re-entrant if the program is single-threaded and single-domain. However, if threads or multiple domains are used, it is possible that several callbacks will run in parallel. In this case, callback functions must be re-entrant.

Note that a callback may be postponed slightly after the actual event. The callstack passed to an allocation callback always accurately reflects the allocation, but the program state may have evolved between the allocation and the call to the callback.

If a new thread or domain is created when profiling is active, the child thread or domain joins that profile (using the same sampling_rate, callstack_size, and tracker callbacks).

An allocation callback is generally run by the thread which allocated the block. If the thread exits or the profile is stopped before the callback is called, the callback may be run by a different thread.

Each callback is generally run by the domain which allocated the block. If the domain terminates or the profile is stopped before the callback is called, the callback may be run by a different domain.

Different domains may run different profiles simultaneously.

val stop : unit -> unit

Stop sampling for the current profile. Fails if no profile is sampling in the current domain. Stops sampling in all threads and domains sharing the profile.

Callbacks from a profile may run after stop is called, until discard is applied to the profile.

A profile is implicitly stopped (but not discarded) if all domains and threads sampling for it are terminated.

val discard : t -> unit

Discards all profiling state for a stopped profile, which prevents any more callbacks for it. Raises an exception if called on a profile which has not been stopped.


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