package ocaml-base-compiler
A Uid.t
is associated to every declaration in signatures and implementations. They uniquely identify bindings in the program. When associated with these bindings' locations they are useful to external tools when trying to jump to an identifier's declaration or definition. They are stored to that effect in the uid_to_decl
table of cmt files.
val mk : current_unit:string -> t
val internal_not_actually_unique : t
val for_actual_declaration : t -> bool
include Identifiable.S with type t := t
module T : Identifiable.Thing with type t = t
include Identifiable.Thing with type t := T.t
include Hashtbl.HashedType with type t := T.t
val hash : T.t -> int
A hashing function on keys. It must be such that if two keys are equal according to equal
, then they have identical hash values as computed by hash
. Examples: suitable (equal
, hash
) pairs for arbitrary key types include
- (
) for comparing objects by structure (provided objects do not contain floats) - (
(fun x y -> compare x y = 0)
) for comparing objects by structure and handlingStdlib.nan
correctly - (
) for comparing objects by physical equality (e.g. for mutable or cyclic objects).
include Map.OrderedType with type t := T.t
A total ordering function over the keys. This is a two-argument function f
such that f e1 e2
is zero if the keys e1
and e2
are equal, f e1 e2
is strictly negative if e1
is smaller than e2
, and f e1 e2
is strictly positive if e1
is greater than e2
. Example: a suitable ordering function is the generic structural comparison function
val output : out_channel -> T.t -> unit
val print : Format.formatter -> T.t -> unit
module Set : Identifiable.Set with module T := T
module Map : Identifiable.Map with module T := T
module Tbl : Identifiable.Tbl with module T := T