package ocaml-base-compiler
System configuration
Warning: this module is unstable and part of compiler-libs.
The "kind" of the C compiler, assembler and linker used: one of "cc" (for Unix-style C compilers) "msvc" (for Microsoft Visual C++ and MASM)
The linker to use for packaging (ocamlopt -pack) and for partial links (ocamlopt -output-obj).
Option to add a directory to be searched for libraries at runtime (used by ocamlmklib)
Option to add a directory to be searched for shared libraries at runtime (used by ocamlmklib)
val interface_suffix : string ref
Suffix for interface file names
Normally the same as Obj.lazy_tag. Separate definition because of technical reasons for bootstrapping.
Size in words of safe area at bottom of VM stack, see runtime/caml/config.h
Size in words of the safety margin between the bottom of the stack and the stack pointer. This margin can be used by intermediate computations of some instructions, or the event handler.
Name of executable produced by linking if none is given with -o, e.g. a.out
under Unix.
Whether the compiler was configured to generate each function in a separate section
Whether shared libraries are supported
val print_config : out_channel -> unit
Access to configuration values