package ocaml-base-compiler
type machtype = machtype_component array
val typ_void : machtype
val typ_val : machtype
val typ_addr : machtype
val typ_int : machtype
val typ_float : machtype
val lub_component :
machtype_component ->
machtype_component ->
Least upper bound of two machtype_component
val ge_component : machtype_component -> machtype_component -> bool
Returns true
iff the first supplied machtype_component
is greater than or equal to the second under the relation used by lub_component
val negate_integer_comparison : integer_comparison -> integer_comparison
val swap_integer_comparison : integer_comparison -> integer_comparison
type float_comparison = Lambda.float_comparison =
val negate_float_comparison : float_comparison -> float_comparison
val swap_float_comparison : float_comparison -> float_comparison
val new_label : unit -> label
val set_label : label -> unit
val cur_label : unit -> label
type phantom_defining_expr =
| Cphantom_const_int of Targetint.t
(*The phantom-let-bound variable is a constant integer. The argument must be the tagged representation of an integer within the range of type
on the target. (Analogously toCconst_int
.)| Cphantom_const_symbol of string
(*The phantom-let-bound variable is an alias for a symbol.
*)| Cphantom_var of Backend_var.t
(*The phantom-let-bound variable is an alias for another variable. The aliased variable must not be a bound by a phantom let.
*)| Cphantom_offset_var of {
var : Backend_var.t;
offset_in_words : int;
(*The phantom-let-bound-variable's value is defined by adding the given number of words to the pointer contained in the given identifier.
*)| Cphantom_read_field of {
var : Backend_var.t;
field : int;
(*The phantom-let-bound-variable's value is found by adding the given number of words to the pointer contained in the given identifier, then dereferencing.
*)| Cphantom_read_symbol_field of {
(*As for
, but with the pointer specified by a symbol.| Cphantom_block of {
tag : int;
fields : Backend_var.t list;
(*The phantom-let-bound variable points at a block with the given structure.
and operation =
| Capply of machtype
| Cextcall of string * machtype * exttype list * bool
is the machine type of the result. Theexttype list
describes the unboxing types of the arguments. An empty list means "all arguments are machine wordsXInt
". The boolean indicates whether the function may allocate.| Cload of {
memory_chunk : memory_chunk;
mutability : Asttypes.mutable_flag;
is_atomic : bool;
| Calloc
| Cstore of memory_chunk * Lambda.initialization_or_assignment
| Caddi
| Csubi
| Cmuli
| Cmulhi
| Cdivi
| Cmodi
| Cand
| Cor
| Cxor
| Clsl
| Clsr
| Casr
| Ccmpi of integer_comparison
| Caddv
| Cadda
| Ccmpa of integer_comparison
| Cnegf
| Cabsf
| Caddf
| Csubf
| Cmulf
| Cdivf
| Cfloatofint
| Cintoffloat
| Ccmpf of float_comparison
| Craise of Lambda.raise_kind
| Ccheckbound
| Copaque
| Cdls_get
and expression =
| Cconst_int of int * Debuginfo.t
| Cconst_natint of nativeint * Debuginfo.t
| Cconst_float of float * Debuginfo.t
| Cconst_symbol of string * Debuginfo.t
| Cvar of Backend_var.t
| Clet of Backend_var.With_provenance.t * expression * expression
| Clet_mut of Backend_var.With_provenance.t * machtype * expression * expression
| Cphantom_let of Backend_var.With_provenance.t * phantom_defining_expr option * expression
| Cassign of Backend_var.t * expression
| Ctuple of expression list
| Cop of operation * expression list * Debuginfo.t
| Csequence of expression * expression
| Cifthenelse of expression * Debuginfo.t * expression * Debuginfo.t * expression * Debuginfo.t
| Cswitch of expression * int array * (expression * Debuginfo.t) array * Debuginfo.t
| Ccatch of rec_flag * (int * (Backend_var.With_provenance.t * machtype) list * expression * Debuginfo.t) list * expression
| Cexit of int * expression list
| Ctrywith of expression * Backend_var.With_provenance.t * expression * Debuginfo.t
| Creturn_addr
(*Return address saved in the current call frame
Every basic block should have a corresponding Debuginfo.t
for its beginning.
type fundecl = {
fun_name : string;
fun_args : (Backend_var.With_provenance.t * machtype) list;
fun_body : expression;
fun_codegen_options : codegen_option list;
fun_poll : Lambda.poll_attribute;
fun_dbg : Debuginfo.t;
val ccatch :
* (Backend_var.With_provenance.t * machtype) list
* expression
* expression
* Debuginfo.t) ->
val iter_shallow_tail : (expression -> unit) -> expression -> bool
Either apply the callback to all immediate sub-expressions that can produce the final result for the expression and return true
, or do nothing and return false
. Note that the notion of "tail" sub-expression used here does not match the one used to trigger tail calls; in particular, try...with handlers are considered to be in tail position (because their result become the final result for the expression).
val map_tail : (expression -> expression) -> expression -> expression
Apply the transformation to an expression, trying to push it to all inner sub-expressions that can produce the final result. Same disclaimer as for iter_shallow_tail
about the notion of "tail" sub-expression.
val map_shallow : (expression -> expression) -> expression -> expression
Apply the transformation to each immediate sub-expression.