sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)" x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)">
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module T : EngineTypes.TABLE
include EngineTypes.MONOLITHIC_ENGINE
with type state = T.state
with type token = T.token
with type semantic_value = T.semantic_value
type state = T.state
type token = T.token
type semantic_value = T.semantic_value
val entry :
state ->
(Lexing.lexbuf -> token) ->
Lexing.lexbuf ->
include IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE
with type token := token
and type 'a lr1state = state
with type production = T.production
with type 'a env = (T.state, T.semantic_value, T.token) EngineTypes.env
type production = T.production
type 'a env = (T.state, T.semantic_value, T.token) EngineTypes.env
val offer :
'a checkpoint ->
(token * IncrementalEngine.position * IncrementalEngine.position) ->
'a checkpoint
val resume : 'a checkpoint -> 'a checkpoint
type supplier =
unit ->
token * IncrementalEngine.position * IncrementalEngine.position
val lexer_lexbuf_to_supplier :
(Lexing.lexbuf -> token) ->
Lexing.lexbuf ->
val loop : supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'a
val loop_handle :
('a -> 'answer) ->
('a checkpoint -> 'answer) ->
supplier ->
'a checkpoint ->
val loop_handle_undo :
('a -> 'answer) ->
('a checkpoint -> 'a checkpoint -> 'answer) ->
supplier ->
'a checkpoint ->
val shifts : 'a checkpoint -> 'a env option
val acceptable : 'a checkpoint -> token -> IncrementalEngine.position -> bool
type 'a lr1state = state
val number : _ lr1state -> int
val production_index : production -> int
val find_production : int -> production
type element =
| Element : 'a lr1state
* 'a
* IncrementalEngine.position
* IncrementalEngine.position -> element
type stack = element
val current_state_number : 'a env -> int
val positions :
'a env ->
IncrementalEngine.position * IncrementalEngine.position
val env_has_default_reduction : 'a env -> bool
val state_has_default_reduction : _ lr1state -> bool
val force_reduction : production -> 'a env -> 'a env
val input_needed : 'a env -> 'a checkpoint
with type state := state
and type semantic_value := semantic_value
and type 'a checkpoint := 'a checkpoint
val start : state -> Lexing.position -> semantic_value checkpoint