package ocaml-base-compiler

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val add_exception_ident : Ident.t -> unit
val remove_exception_ident : Ident.t -> unit
val clear_used_primitives : unit -> unit
val get_used_primitives : unit -> Path.t list
val check_primitive_arity : Location.t -> Primitive.description -> unit
val transl_primitive : Location.t -> Primitive.description -> Env.t -> Types.type_expr -> Path.t option -> Lambda.lambda
val transl_primitive_application : Location.t -> Primitive.description -> Env.t -> Types.type_expr -> Path.t -> Typedtree.expression option -> Lambda.lambda list -> Typedtree.expression list -> Lambda.lambda
type error =
  1. | Unknown_builtin_primitive of string
  2. | Wrong_arity_builtin_primitive of string
exception Error of Location.t * error
val report_error : Format.formatter -> error -> unit

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