package ocaml-base-compiler

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Mutable state used by Cmmgen.

type is_global =
  1. | Global
  2. | Local
type constant =
  1. | Const_closure of is_global * Clambda.ufunction list * Clambda.uconstant list
  2. | Const_table of is_global * Cmm.data_item list
val add_constant : Misc.Stdlib.String.t -> constant -> unit
val add_data_items : Cmm.data_item list -> unit
val add_function : Clambda.ufunction -> unit
val get_and_clear_constants : unit -> constant Misc.Stdlib.String.Map.t
val get_and_clear_data_items : unit -> Cmm.data_item list
val next_function : unit -> Clambda.ufunction option
val no_more_functions : unit -> bool
val set_structured_constants : Clambda.preallocated_constant list -> unit
val structured_constant_of_sym : string -> Clambda.ustructured_constant option

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