package ocaml-base-compiler

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Types shared amongst the various parts of the dynlink code.

type implem_state =
  1. | Loaded
  2. | Not_initialized
  3. | Check_inited of int
type filename = string
type linking_error =
  1. | Undefined_global of string
  2. | Unavailable_primitive of string
  3. | Uninitialized_global of string
type error =
  1. | Not_a_bytecode_file of string
  2. | Inconsistent_import of string
  3. | Unavailable_unit of string
  4. | Unsafe_file
  5. | Linking_error of string * linking_error
  6. | Corrupted_interface of string
  7. | Cannot_open_dynamic_library of exn
  8. | Library's_module_initializers_failed of exn
  9. | Inconsistent_implementation of string
  10. | Module_already_loaded of string
  11. | Private_library_cannot_implement_interface of string
exception Error of error
val error_message : error -> string

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