package ocaml-base-compiler

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type token =
  1. | Description of string * string option
  2. | See_url of string
  3. | See_file of string
  4. | See_doc of string
  5. | T_PARAM
  6. | T_AUTHOR
  7. | T_VERSION
  8. | T_SEE
  9. | T_SINCE
  10. | T_BEFORE
  12. | T_RAISES
  13. | T_RETURN
  14. | T_CUSTOM of string
  15. | EOF
  16. | Desc of string
val main : (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (string * string option) option
val info_part2 : (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> unit
val see_info : (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Odoc_types.see_ref * string

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