package ocaml-base-compiler

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type ref_kind = Odoc_types.ref_kind =
  1. | RK_module
  2. | RK_module_type
  3. | RK_class
  4. | RK_class_type
  5. | RK_value
  6. | RK_type
  7. | RK_extension
  8. | RK_exception
  9. | RK_attribute
  10. | RK_method
  11. | RK_section of text
  12. | RK_recfield
  13. | RK_const
and text_element = Odoc_types.text_element =
  1. | Raw of string
  2. | Code of string
  3. | CodePre of string
  4. | Verbatim of string
  5. | Bold of text
  6. | Italic of text
  7. | Emphasize of text
  8. | Center of text
  9. | Left of text
  10. | Right of text
  11. | List of text list
  12. | Enum of text list
  13. | Newline
  14. | Block of text
  15. | Title of int * string option * text
  16. | Latex of string
  17. | Ref of string * ref_kind option * text option
  18. | Superscript of text
  19. | Subscript of text
  20. | Module_list of string list
  21. | Index_list
  22. | Custom of string * text
  23. | Target of string * string
and text = text_element list
type see_ref = Odoc_types.see_ref =
  1. | See_url of string
  2. | See_file of string
  3. | See_doc of string
exception Text_syntax of int * int * string
type see = see_ref * text
type param = string * text
type raised_exception = string * text
type info = = {
  1. i_desc : text option;
  2. i_authors : string list;
  3. i_version : string option;
  4. i_sees : see list;
  5. i_since : string option;
  6. i_before : (string * text) list;
  7. i_deprecated : text option;
  8. i_params : param list;
  9. i_raised_exceptions : raised_exception list;
  10. i_return_value : text option;
  11. i_custom : (string * text) list;
type location = Odoc_types.location = {
  1. loc_impl : Location.t option;
  2. loc_inter : Location.t option;
val dummy_loc : location
module Name : sig ... end
module Parameter : sig ... end
module Extension : sig ... end
module Exception : sig ... end
module Type : sig ... end
module Value : sig ... end
module Class : sig ... end
module Module : sig ... end
val reset_type_names : unit -> unit
val string_of_variance : Type.t_type -> (bool * bool) -> string
val string_of_type_expr : Types.type_expr -> string
val string_of_class_params : Class.t_class -> string
val string_of_type_list : ?par:bool -> string -> Types.type_expr list -> string
val string_of_type_param_list : Type.t_type -> string
val string_of_type_extension_param_list : Extension.t_type_extension -> string
val string_of_class_type_param_list : Types.type_expr list -> string
val string_of_module_type : ?code:string -> ?complete:bool -> Types.module_type -> string
val string_of_class_type : ?complete:bool -> Types.class_type -> string
val string_of_text : text -> string
val string_of_info : info -> string
val string_of_type : Type.t_type -> string
val string_of_record : Type.record_field list -> string
val string_of_type_extension : Extension.t_type_extension -> string
val string_of_exception : Exception.t_exception -> string
val string_of_value : Value.t_value -> string
val string_of_attribute : Value.t_attribute -> string
val string_of_method : Value.t_method -> string
val first_sentence_of_text : text -> text
val first_sentence_and_rest_of_text : text -> text * text
val text_no_title_no_list : text -> text
val text_concat : Odoc_types.text -> Odoc_types.text list -> Odoc_types.text
val get_titles_in_text : text -> (int * string option * text) list
val create_index_lists : 'a list -> ('a -> string) -> 'a list list
val remove_option : Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr
val is_optional : Asttypes.arg_label -> bool
val label_name : Asttypes.arg_label -> string
val use_hidden_modules : Name.t -> Name.t
val verbose : string -> unit
val warning : string -> unit
val print_warnings : bool Pervasives.ref
val errors : int Pervasives.ref
val apply_opt : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
val apply_if_equal : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a
val text_of_string : string -> text
val text_string_of_text : text -> string
val info_of_string : string -> info
val info_string_of_info : info -> string
val info_of_comment_file : Module.t_module list -> string -> info
val remove_ending_newline : string -> string
module Scan : sig ... end
module Dep : sig ... end
module Global : sig ... end
val analyse_files : ?merge_options:Odoc_types.merge_option list -> ?include_dirs:string list -> ?labels:bool -> ?sort_modules:bool -> ?no_stop:bool -> ?init:Odoc_module.t_module list -> Odoc_global.source_file list -> Module.t_module list
val dump_modules : string -> Odoc_module.t_module list -> unit
val load_modules : string -> Odoc_module.t_module list

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