package obus

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val session : ?switch:Lwt_switch.t -> unit -> t Lwt.t
val system : ?switch:Lwt_switch.t -> unit -> t Lwt.t
val of_addresses : ?switch:Lwt_switch.t -> OBus_address.t list -> t Lwt.t
val register_connection : OBus_connection.t -> unit Lwt.t
val exit_on_disconnect : exn -> 'a
val get_peer : t -> OBus_name.bus -> OBus_peer.t Lwt.t
val get_proxy : t -> OBus_name.bus -> OBus_path.t -> OBus_proxy.t Lwt.t
val name : t -> OBus_name.bus
val names : t -> Stdlib.Set.Make(Stdlib.String).t React.signal
val hello : t -> OBus_name.bus Lwt.t
exception Access_denied of string
type request_name_result = [
  1. | `Primary_owner
  2. | `In_queue
  3. | `Exists
  4. | `Already_owner
val request_name : t -> ?allow_replacement:bool -> ?replace_existing:bool -> ?do_not_queue:bool -> OBus_name.bus -> request_name_result Lwt.t
type release_name_result = [
  1. | `Released
  2. | `Non_existent
  3. | `Not_owner
val release_name : t -> OBus_name.bus -> release_name_result Lwt.t
exception Service_unknown of string
type start_service_by_name_result = [
  1. | `Success
  2. | `Already_running
val start_service_by_name : t -> OBus_name.bus -> start_service_by_name_result Lwt.t
val name_has_owner : t -> OBus_name.bus -> bool Lwt.t
val list_names : t -> OBus_name.bus list Lwt.t
val list_activatable_names : t -> OBus_name.bus list Lwt.t
exception Name_has_no_owner of string
val get_name_owner : t -> OBus_name.bus -> OBus_name.bus Lwt.t
val list_queued_owners : t -> OBus_name.bus -> OBus_name.bus list Lwt.t
exception Match_rule_invalid of string
val add_match : t -> OBus_match.rule -> unit Lwt.t
exception Match_rule_not_found of string
val remove_match : t -> OBus_match.rule -> unit Lwt.t
exception Adt_audit_data_unknown of string
exception Selinux_security_context_unknown of string
val update_activation_environment : t -> (string * string) list -> unit Lwt.t
val get_connection_unix_user : t -> OBus_name.bus -> int Lwt.t
val get_connection_unix_process_id : t -> OBus_name.bus -> int Lwt.t
val get_adt_audit_session_data : t -> OBus_name.bus -> string Lwt.t
val get_connection_selinux_security_context : t -> OBus_name.bus -> string Lwt.t
val reload_config : t -> unit Lwt.t
val get_id : t -> OBus_uuid.t Lwt.t
val name_owner_changed : t -> (OBus_name.bus * OBus_name.bus * OBus_name.bus) OBus_signal.t
val name_lost : t -> OBus_name.bus OBus_signal.t
val name_acquired : t -> OBus_name.bus OBus_signal.t

Innovation. Community. Security.