package obuilder

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Docker interface over the CLI tool

type ids = [
  1. | `Docker_container of string
  2. | `Docker_image of string
  3. | `Docker_volume of string
  4. | `Obuilder_id of string
val set_prefix : string -> unit

Set the prefix for Docker images, containers, and volumes managed by the current OBuilder instance.

val obuilder_libexec : unit -> string
val obuilder_libexec_volume : ?readonly:bool -> unit -> Config.Mount.t
val image_name : ?tmp:bool -> -> string
val container_name : -> string
val volume_copy_name : ?tmp:bool -> -> string
val docker_image : ?tmp:bool -> -> [> `Docker_image of string ]
val docker_container : -> [> `Docker_container of string ]
val docker_volume_cache : ?tmp:bool -> -> [> `Docker_volume of string ]
val docker_volume_copy : ?tmp:bool -> -> [> `Docker_volume of string ]
val mount_point_inside_unix : string

Mount point of Docker volumes inside Docker containers, Unix path style. Use with Cygwin tools.

val mount_point_inside_native : string

Mount point of Docker volumes inside Docker containers, native path style.

val mount_args : Config.Mount.t -> string list

Get the CLI arguments to the Docker client to mount a volume.

val bash_entrypoint : string -> string list

Get a Bash entrypoint in a Docker container to execute Bash scripts.

val default_entrypoint : string list

Get the default entrypoint of Docker container according to the host (Windows is cmd, everywhere else is sh).

val setup_command : entp:string list -> cmd:string list -> string * string list

setup_command ~entp ~cmd returns the head of entp, to be give to Docker's --entrypoint, and the concatenation of the tail of head and cmd to be given to Docker command, as Docker --entrypoint takes only one argument.

val cp_between_volumes : base:[< `Docker_image of string ] -> src:[< `Docker_volume of string ] -> dst:[ `Docker_volume of string ] -> (unit, [> `Msg of string ]) Lwt_result.t
module Cmd : S.DOCKER_CMD with type 'a log = ?stdout:[ `Dev_null | `FD_move_safely of Obuilder__.Os.unix_fd ] -> ?stderr:[ `Dev_null | `FD_move_safely of Obuilder__.Os.unix_fd ] -> 'a and type 'a logerr = ?stderr:[ `Dev_null | `FD_move_safely of Obuilder__.Os.unix_fd ] -> 'a

Wrappers for various Docker client commands, exposing file descriptors.

module Cmd_log : S.DOCKER_CMD with type 'a log = log:Build_log.t -> 'a and type 'a logerr = log:Build_log.t -> 'a

Wrappers for various Docker client commands, logging directly to the Build_log.

Fetch (pull and extract) base images using Docker


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