package mysql_protocol

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type result_packet =
  1. | Result_packet_ok of Mp_ok_packet.ok_packet
  2. | Result_packet_prepare_ok of Mp_ok_prepare_packet.ok_prepare_packet
  3. | Result_packet_result_set of Mp_result_set_packet.result_select
  4. | Result_packet_eof of Mp_eof_packet.eof_packet
  5. | Result_packet_error of Mp_error_packet.error_packet
val result_packet_to_string : result_packet -> string
val result_packet : Stdlib.in_channel -> 'a -> ((string * int) list -> Mp_data.t list -> bool) option -> ((string * int) list -> Mp_data.t list -> unit) option -> bool -> Mp_com.com_type -> Mp_field_packet.field_packet list -> (result_packet * int) list -> (result_packet * int) list

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