package mwt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Preemptive threads managed from Lwt

This module provides a way to call a function from Lwt and have that function in a separate OCaml preemptive thread.

Preemptive thread pools

Pools of threads which may be delegated to from an Lwt application. Each thread in the pool carries its own local state which is passed to any function running within a pool's thread.

Creating a thread pool

type 'state t

Preemptive thread pool carrying some local state type

val make : init:(unit -> 'state) -> at_exit:('state -> unit) -> int -> 'state t Lwt.t

make ~init ~at_exit num_threads creates a new pool of num_threads preemptive threads. If no special per-thread state is required you can pass noop to init and at_exit. The returned promise will resolve once all num_threads calls to init have completed. If any instance of init raises an exception then the resulting promise will resolve to the same exception.

  • parameter init

    is run from within each newly created thread in the pool. Its return value defines the initial state of the newly initialized thread.

  • parameter at_exit

    is run within each thread in the pool immediately before that thread exits. Its argument is the state of the exiting thread.

val noop : unit -> unit

noop may be passed to the init and at_exit parameters of make when no special per-thread initialization or cleanup is required. noop is fun () -> ().

Using a thread pool

val run : 'state t -> ('state -> 'a) -> 'a Lwt.t

run pool f will run f state in one of the preemptive threads in pool, where state carries the state of the thread f runs under. If there is a thread available in pool then the call will block until f completes. If no thread is available from pool then the call to f will be queued until a thread in pool is available.

f may use run_in_main to run code in a program's Lwt context.

val close : _ t -> unit Lwt.t

close pool immediately marks pool as closed, quits all idle threads in the pool and blocks until all in-use threads have terminated. Any further uses of pool will raise Invalid_argument.

val close_async : _ t -> unit

close_async pool marks pool as closed and sends a "quit" signal to all idle threads. Any threads currently in use will quit once they are done with their current task. This function does not block.

Calling back into Lwt from a preemptive thread

val run_in_main : (unit -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a

run_in_main f can be used from within a preemptive thread to run f () in the program's main Lwt context. It can be seen as a dual to run and run_thread.


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