package mugen

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Fractal displacements.


module Base : S


include S
include StructuredType.PartiallyOrderedType
include StructuredType.EqualityType
type t

The type.

val equal : t -> t -> bool

equal x y checks whether x and y are equivalent.

val dump : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Ugly printer.

val lt : t -> t -> bool

lt x y checks if x is strictly less than y. Note that trichotomy fails for general partial orders.

val leq : t -> t -> bool

leq x y checks if x is less than or equal to y. Note that trichotomy fails for general partial orders.

val id : t

id is the unit.

val is_id : t -> bool

is_id s checks whether s is the unit. It is equivalent to equal id s, but potentially faster.

val compose : t -> t -> t

compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.

val embed : Base.t -> t

embed b is the embedding of the base displacement b.

val push : Base.t -> t -> t

push b s pushes s to the sub-level and applies b to the main level.


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