package mpi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Caml bindings for the Message Passing Interface (MPI) library

Error reporting

exception Error of string

Basic operations on communicators

type communicator

The type of communicators. Communicators are groups of nodes (processing elements) that can exchange data.

type rank = int

The type of communicators. Communicators are groups of nodes (processing elements) that can exchange data.

The type of ranks of nodes. Nodes in a given communicator are assigned integer ranks 0, 1, ..., N-1 where N is the size of the communicator.

val comm_world : communicator

The type of ranks of nodes. Nodes in a given communicator are assigned integer ranks 0, 1, ..., N-1 where N is the size of the communicator.

The global communicator.

val comm_size : communicator -> int

The global communicator.

Return the size (number of nodes) in the given communicator.

val comm_rank : communicator -> rank

Return the size (number of nodes) in the given communicator.

Return the rank of the calling node in the given communicator. The rank Mpi.comm_rank c is between 0 (inclusive) and Mpi.comm_size c (exclusive).

Point-to-point communication

type tag = int

The type of tags associated with messages in point-to-point communications. Tags are positive integers in the range 0...32767.

val send : 'a -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> unit

Mpi.send d dst tag comm sends a message containing data d to the node that has rank dst in communicator comm. The message is sent with tag tag. Depending on the underlying MPI implementation, message sending can be synchronous or asynchronous; that is, Mpi.send can block until the target node receives the message, or Mpi.send can return before the target node has received the message.

val receive : rank -> tag -> communicator -> 'a

Mpi.receive src tag comm blocks until a message is available, and returns the data contained in that message. The src argument selects the desired source for the message: if src is Mpi.any_source, messages from any node in communicator comm are accepted; otherwise, only messages sent by the node having rank src in comm are accepted. Similarly, the tag argument selects messages by their tag: if tag is Mpi.any_tag, messages are accepted regardless of their tags; otherwise, only messages with tag equal to tag are accepted.

Warning: just like the Marshal.from_* functions, Mpi.receive is not type-safe. The Caml value returned by Mpi.receive does not possess type 'a for all 'a; it has one, unique type which cannot be determined at compile-type. The programmer should be careful about using the returned value with the right type.

val receive_status : rank -> tag -> communicator -> 'a * rank * tag

Mpi.receive src tag comm blocks until a message is available, and returns the data contained in that message. The src argument selects the desired source for the message: if src is Mpi.any_source, messages from any node in communicator comm are accepted; otherwise, only messages sent by the node having rank src in comm are accepted. Similarly, the tag argument selects messages by their tag: if tag is Mpi.any_tag, messages are accepted regardless of their tags; otherwise, only messages with tag equal to tag are accepted.

Warning: just like the Marshal.from_* functions, Mpi.receive is not type-safe. The Caml value returned by Mpi.receive does not possess type 'a for all 'a; it has one, unique type which cannot be determined at compile-type. The programmer should be careful about using the returned value with the right type.

Same as Mpi.receive, but returns a triple (d, src, tag) where d is the data associated with the message, src the rank of the node that sent the message, and tag the actual tag attached to the message.

val probe : rank -> tag -> communicator -> rank * tag

Same as Mpi.receive, but returns a triple (d, src, tag) where d is the data associated with the message, src the rank of the node that sent the message, and tag the actual tag attached to the message.

Mpi.probe src tag comm blocks until a message is available on communicator comm, with source and tag matching the src and tag arguments as described in Mpi.receive. It then returns the rank of the node that sent the message and the actual tag attached to the message. The message itself is not read, and can be retrieved later with Mpi.receive or Mpi.receive_status.

val iprobe : rank -> tag -> communicator -> (rank * tag) option

Mpi.probe src tag comm blocks until a message is available on communicator comm, with source and tag matching the src and tag arguments as described in Mpi.receive. It then returns the rank of the node that sent the message and the actual tag attached to the message. The message itself is not read, and can be retrieved later with Mpi.receive or Mpi.receive_status.

Mpi.iprobe src tag comm is a non-blocking counterpart to probe. If there is no matching message waiting it returns None. Otherwise, it returns Some (rank, tag) like probe.

val any_tag : tag
val any_source : rank

The special values of the tag and src arguments of Mpi.receive, Mpi.receive_status and Mpi.probe, indicating that any message tag is acceptable (for Mpi.any_tag) or any message source is acceptable (for Mpi.any_source).

val send_int : int -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> unit
val receive_int : rank -> tag -> communicator -> int
val send_float : float -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> unit
val receive_float : rank -> tag -> communicator -> float
val send_int_array : int array -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> unit
val receive_int_array : int array -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> unit
val send_float_array : float array -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> unit
val receive_float_array : float array -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> unit
val send_bigarray : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> unit
val send_bigarray0 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array0.t -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> unit
val send_bigarray1 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> unit
val send_bigarray2 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array2.t -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> unit
val send_bigarray3 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array3.t -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> unit
val receive_bigarray : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> unit
val receive_bigarray0 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array0.t -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> unit
val receive_bigarray1 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> unit
val receive_bigarray2 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array2.t -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> unit
val receive_bigarray3 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array3.t -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> unit

Specialized versions of Mpi.send and Mpi.receive for communicating integers, floating-point numbers, arrays of integers, arrays of floating-point numbers and bigarrays. These specialized versions are more efficient than Mpi.send and Mpi.receive since less copying is involved. The arguments to the Mpi.send_* functions have the same meaning as for Mpi.send. The arguments to Mpi.receive_int and Mpi.receive_float have the same meaning as for Mpi.receive. Mpi.receive_int_array, Mpi.receive_float_array and Mpi.receive_bigarray* have one extra argument, which is the array in which the data of the received message is stored. The caller is responsible for pre-allocating an array large enough to hold the incoming data.

It is an error to send a message using one of the specialized Mpi.send_* functions and receive it with the generic Mpi.receive function, and conversely.

It is possible to receive a bigarray with different dimensions than those used to send it; only the total number of elements must match.

Non-blocking communication

type request

Encapsulates MPI Request object, also contains the associated send/recv buffer in the wrapper object

val null_request : request
val isend : 'a -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> request
val isend_varlength : 'a -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> request * request

Post non-blocking send operation. Mpi.send d dst tag comm posts a send operation for data d to the node that has rank dst in communicator comm with tag tag. Same parameters as Mpi.send, but returns immediately with a pair of Mpi.request objects after posting two send operations for transmission of message length and the message itself buffer. The request objects can be used to wait for the completion of the send operation.

val ireceive : int -> rank -> tag -> communicator -> request
val ireceive_varlength : rank -> tag -> communicator -> request

Post non-blocking receive operation. Same parameters as Mpi.receive, but returns with received buffer length and an Mpi.request object, which can be used to wait for the completion of the receive operation. This call currently blocks until the buffer length has been received, therefore it has to follow the asynchronous send operation in call sequence.

val wait : request -> unit

Wait for the completion of a non-blocking operation

val wait_pair : (request * request) -> unit

Wait for the completion of an ordered pair of non-blocking operations

val wait_receive : request -> 'a

Wait for the completion of a non-blocking receive operation and return the received object

Group communication

val barrier : communicator -> unit

Mpi.barrier comm suspends the calling process until all nodes in communicator comm are executing Mpi.barrier comm. Then all nodes return from Mpi.barrier and continue executing.


val broadcast : 'a -> rank -> communicator -> 'a

Mpi.broadcast d root comm broadcasts data d from node with rank root in comm to all other nodes in comm. All nodes in comm must call Mpi.broadcast with the same root and comm arguments. The d argument is significant only at node root; it is ignored at other nodes. Mpi.broadcast returns the broadcast data.

val broadcast_opt : 'a option -> rank -> communicator -> 'a

Mpi.broadcast d root comm broadcasts data d from node with rank root in comm to all other nodes in comm. All nodes in comm must call Mpi.broadcast with the same root and comm arguments. The d argument is significant only at node root; it is ignored at other nodes. Mpi.broadcast returns the broadcast data.

Same as Mpi.broadcast, except that the data (first argument) is provided as an option type. The root node must provide a first argument of the form Some d where d is the data to broadcast. The other node provide None as their first argument.

val broadcast_int : int -> rank -> communicator -> int

Same as Mpi.broadcast, except that the data (first argument) is provided as an option type. The root node must provide a first argument of the form Some d where d is the data to broadcast. The other node provide None as their first argument.

val broadcast_float : float -> rank -> communicator -> float
val broadcast_int_array : int array -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val broadcast_float_array : float array -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val broadcast_bigarray : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val broadcast_bigarray0 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array0.t -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val broadcast_bigarray1 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val broadcast_bigarray2 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array2.t -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val broadcast_bigarray3 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array3.t -> rank -> communicator -> unit

Specialized versions of Mpi.broadcast for integers, floats, arrays of integers, arrays of floats and bigarrays. For Mpi.broadcast_int and Mpi.broadcast_float, the broadcast value is returned as result, and the first argument is significant only at the root node. For Mpi.broadcast_int_array, Mpi.broadcast_float_array and Mpi.broadcast_bigarray*, the broadcast value is stored in the array passed as first argument; thus, the first argument is significant at all nodes.


val scatter : 'a array -> rank -> communicator -> 'a

Mpi.scatter a root comm scatters the elements of array a from node root to all nodes in comm. The node with rank i in comm receives the element a.(i) and returns it as result of Mpi.scatter. The a argument is significant only at node root; an empty array [||] can be given as first argument at other nodes.

val scatter_int : int array -> rank -> communicator -> int

Mpi.scatter a root comm scatters the elements of array a from node root to all nodes in comm. The node with rank i in comm receives the element a.(i) and returns it as result of Mpi.scatter. The a argument is significant only at node root; an empty array [||] can be given as first argument at other nodes.

val scatter_float : float array -> rank -> communicator -> float
val scatter_from_bigarray : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> rank -> communicator -> 'a
val scatter_from_bigarray1 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> rank -> communicator -> 'a
val scatter_from_bigarray2 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array2.t -> rank -> communicator -> 'a
val scatter_from_bigarray3 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array3.t -> rank -> communicator -> 'a

Specialized versions of Mpi.scatter for integers, floats and values from bigarrays.

val scatter_int_array : int array -> int array -> rank -> communicator -> unit

Specialized versions of Mpi.scatter for integers, floats and values from bigarrays.

val scatter_float_array : float array -> float array -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val scatter_bigarray : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val scatter_bigarray1 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> rank -> communicator -> unit

Specialized versions of Mpi.scatter for arrays of integers, arrays of floats and bigarrays. Mpi.scatter_int_array src dst root comm splits the array src at node root into Mpi.comm_size comm chunks of size Array.length dst, and sends the chunks to each node, storing them into array dst at each node. The src argument is significant only at node root. Mpi.scatter_float_array and Mpi.scatter_bigarray* are similar. Use the Bigarray.genarray_of_array* functions to, for example, scatter from n dimensions to n-1 dimensions. In any case, only the total number of elements matters.


val gather : 'a -> rank -> communicator -> 'a array

Mpi.gather d root comm gathers the values of the d argument at all nodes onto node root, and returns those values as an array. At node root, Mpi.gather returns an array of size Mpi.comm_size comm; element number i is the value provided for argument d by node i. At other nodes, the empty array [||] is returned.

val gather_int : int -> int array -> rank -> communicator -> unit

Mpi.gather d root comm gathers the values of the d argument at all nodes onto node root, and returns those values as an array. At node root, Mpi.gather returns an array of size Mpi.comm_size comm; element number i is the value provided for argument d by node i. At other nodes, the empty array [||] is returned.

val gather_float : float -> float array -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val gather_to_bigarray : 'a -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val gather_to_bigarray1 : 'a -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val gather_to_bigarray2 : 'a -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array2.t -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val gather_to_bigarray3 : 'a -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array3.t -> rank -> communicator -> unit

Specialized versions of Mpi.gather for integers, floats and values to bigarrays.

val gather_int_array : int array -> int array -> rank -> communicator -> unit

Specialized versions of Mpi.gather for integers, floats and values to bigarrays.

val gather_float_array : float array -> float array -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val gather_bigarray : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val gather_bigarray1 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> rank -> communicator -> unit

Specialized versions of Mpi.gather for arrays of integers, arrays of floats and bigarrays. Mpi.gather_int_array src dst root comm sends the arrays src at each node to the node root. At node root, the arrays are concatenated and stored in the argument dst. dst is significant only at node root. Mpi.gather_float_array and Mpi.gather_bigarray* are similar. Use the Bigarray.genarray_of_array* functions to, for example, gather from n-1 dimensions to n dimensions. In any case, only the total number of elements matters.

Gather to all

val allgather : 'a -> communicator -> 'a array
val allgather_int : int -> int array -> communicator -> unit
val allgather_float : float -> float array -> communicator -> unit
val allgather_to_bigarray : 'a -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> communicator -> unit
val allgather_to_bigarray1 : 'a -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> communicator -> unit
val allgather_to_bigarray2 : 'a -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array2.t -> communicator -> unit
val allgather_to_bigarray3 : 'a -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array3.t -> communicator -> unit
val allgather_int_array : int array -> int array -> communicator -> unit
val allgather_float_array : float array -> float array -> communicator -> unit
val allgather_bigarray : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> communicator -> unit
val allgather_bigarray1 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> communicator -> unit

The Mpi.allgather* functions behave like the corresponding Mpi.gather* functions, except that the result of the gather operation is available at all nodes, not only at the root node. In other terms, Mpi.allgather is equivalent to Mpi.gather at root r followed by a broadcast of the result from node r.

All to all

val alltoall : 'a array -> communicator -> 'a array
val alltoall_int_array : int array -> int array -> communicator -> unit
val alltoall_float_array : float array -> float array -> communicator -> unit
val alltoall_bigarray : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> communicator -> unit
val alltoall_bigarray1 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> communicator -> unit
val alltoall_bigarray2 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array2.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array2.t -> communicator -> unit
val alltoall_bigarray3 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array3.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array3.t -> communicator -> unit

Using the Mpi.alltoall* functions, each process effectively does an Mpi.scatter* followed by an Mpi.gather*. They can also be seen as an extension to Mpi.allgather* where each process sends distinct data to each of the receivers. Both send and receive arrays must have the same size at all nodes.


type _ op =
  1. | Max : [< `Int | `Float ] op
  2. | Min : [< `Int | `Float ] op
  3. | Sum : [< `Int | `Float ] op
  4. | Prod : [< `Int | `Float ] op
  5. | Land : [< `Int ] op
  6. | Lor : [< `Int ] op
  7. | Xor : [< `Int ] op
  8. | Int_max : [< `Int ] op
  9. | Int_min : [< `Int ] op
  10. | Int_sum : [< `Int ] op
  11. | Int_prod : [< `Int ] op
  12. | Int_land : [< `Int ] op
  13. | Int_lor : [< `Int ] op
  14. | Int_xor : [< `Int ] op
  15. | Float_max : [< `Float ] op
  16. | Float_min : [< `Float ] op
  17. | Float_sum : [< `Float ] op
  18. | Float_prod : [< `Float ] op

The operations that can be performed by a reduce or scan; some of them are only valid for integers. Max and Min are maximum and minimum; Sum and Prod are summation (+) and product (*). Land, Lor and Xor are logical (bit-per-bit) and, or and exclusive-or.

The constructors prefixed by Int_ or Float_ (e.g. Int_max, Float_sum) are type-specialized variants of the non-prefixed constructors. For example, Int_max is Max specialized to integer values, and Float_sum is Sum specialized to floating-point values. These specialized constructors are included for backward compatibility with earlier versions of this library. They will be deprecated in the future.

val reduce_int : int -> [ `Int ] op -> rank -> communicator -> int
val reduce_float : float -> [ `Float ] op -> rank -> communicator -> float

Mpi.reduce_int d op root comm computes the value of d0 op d1 op ... op dN, where d0 ... dN are the values of the d argument at every node in comm. The result value is returned at node with rank root. A meaningless integer is returned at other nodes. Mpi.reduce_float is similar except for the use of floating-point operations instead of integer operations.

val reduce_int_array : int array -> int array -> [ `Int ] op -> rank -> communicator -> unit

Mpi.reduce_int d op root comm computes the value of d0 op d1 op ... op dN, where d0 ... dN are the values of the d argument at every node in comm. The result value is returned at node with rank root. A meaningless integer is returned at other nodes. Mpi.reduce_float is similar except for the use of floating-point operations instead of integer operations.

val reduce_float_array : float array -> float array -> [ `Float ] op -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val reduce_bigarray : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> 'any op -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val reduce_bigarray0 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array0.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array0.t -> 'any op -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val reduce_bigarray1 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> 'any op -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val reduce_bigarray2 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array2.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array2.t -> 'any op -> rank -> communicator -> unit
val reduce_bigarray3 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array3.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array3.t -> 'any op -> rank -> communicator -> unit

Mpi.reduce_int_array d res op root comm computes Array.length d reductions by operation op simultaneously. For every i, the values of d.(i) at every node are combined using op and the result is stored into dst.(i) at node root. For Mpi.reduce_bigarray* applied to an array of floating-point values, an exception is raised for the Land, Lor and Xor operations and the others are interpreted as floating-point operations.

Reduce to all

val allreduce_int : int -> [ `Int ] op -> communicator -> int
val allreduce_float : float -> [ `Float ] op -> communicator -> float
val allreduce_int_array : int array -> int array -> [ `Int ] op -> communicator -> unit
val allreduce_float_array : float array -> float array -> [ `Float ] op -> communicator -> unit
val allreduce_bigarray : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> 'any op -> communicator -> unit
val allreduce_bigarray0 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array0.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array0.t -> 'any op -> communicator -> unit
val allreduce_bigarray1 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> 'any op -> communicator -> unit
val allreduce_bigarray2 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array2.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array2.t -> 'any op -> communicator -> unit
val allreduce_bigarray3 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array3.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array3.t -> 'any op -> communicator -> unit

The Mpi.allreduce_* operations are similar to the corresponding Mpi.reduce_* operations, except that the result of the reduction is made available at all nodes. For Mpi.allreduce_bigarray* applied to an array of floating-point values, an exception is raised for the Land, Lor and Xor operations and the others are interpreted as floating-point operations.

val scan_int : int -> [ `Int ] op -> communicator -> int


val scan_float : float -> [ `Float ] op -> communicator -> float

Mpi.scan_int d res op comm performs a scan operation over the integers d at every node. Let d0 ... dN be the values of the d at every node in comm. At node with rank R, Mpi.scan_int d res op comm returns d0 op ... op dR. Mpi.scan_float is similar.

val scan_int_array : int array -> int array -> [ `Int ] op -> communicator -> unit

Mpi.scan_int d res op comm performs a scan operation over the integers d at every node. Let d0 ... dN be the values of the d at every node in comm. At node with rank R, Mpi.scan_int d res op comm returns d0 op ... op dR. Mpi.scan_float is similar.

val scan_float_array : float array -> float array -> [ `Float ] op -> communicator -> unit
val scan_bigarray : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> 'any op -> communicator -> unit
val scan_bigarray0 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array0.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array0.t -> 'any op -> communicator -> unit
val scan_bigarray1 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> 'any op -> communicator -> unit
val scan_bigarray2 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array2.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array2.t -> 'any op -> communicator -> unit
val scan_bigarray3 : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array3.t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array3.t -> 'any op -> communicator -> unit

Same as Mpi.scan_int and Mpi.scan_float, but perform several scanning operations on the elements of the input array (first argument). The result is stored in the array passed as second argument at the root node. For Mpi.scan_bigarray* applied to an array of floating-point values, an exception is raised for the Land, Lor and Xor operations and the others are interpreted as floating-point operations.

Advanced operations on communicators

val comm_compare : communicator -> communicator -> bool

Compare two communicators and return true if they are the same, false otherwise.

type color = int
val comm_split : communicator -> color -> int -> communicator

Mpi.comm_split comm col key splits the communicator into several communicators based on the values of col and key at every node. For each distinct value of the col argument, a new communicator is created. It contains all nodes of comm that have presented that particular value of key to Mpi.comm_split. The ordering of nodes in the new communicator is determined by the key argument: nodes are ordered by increasing values of key, and in case of ties, by their original order in comm. Thus, to preserve the same ordering as in comm, it suffices that all nodes present 0 as the key argument. In each node, the communicator returned is the one that corresponds to the color argument of that node.

val color_none : color

In Mpi.comm_split, a node can pass Mpi.color_none as the col argument to indicate that it does not want to be part of any of the new communicators. Mpi.comm_split then returns a null communicator (allowing no communications) in that node.

Cartesian topologies

val cart_create : communicator -> int array -> bool array -> bool -> communicator

Mpi.cart_create comm dims periodic reorder embeds a cartesian topology (multi-dimensional grid) on the nodes of communicator comm, and return a new communicator with that information attached. The length of dims determines the number of dimensions of the topology. For each dimension d, dims.(d) specifies the number of nodes in that dimension, and periodic.(d) says whether that dimension is periodic (wraps around) or not. reorder determines whether the ranks of nodes in the new communicator can be reordered for better efficiency (true) or must remain the same as in comm (false). The initial communicator comm must contain at least as many nodes as specified by dims.

val dims_create : int -> int array -> int array

Mpi.cart_create comm dims periodic reorder embeds a cartesian topology (multi-dimensional grid) on the nodes of communicator comm, and return a new communicator with that information attached. The length of dims determines the number of dimensions of the topology. For each dimension d, dims.(d) specifies the number of nodes in that dimension, and periodic.(d) says whether that dimension is periodic (wraps around) or not. reorder determines whether the ranks of nodes in the new communicator can be reordered for better efficiency (true) or must remain the same as in comm (false). The initial communicator comm must contain at least as many nodes as specified by dims.

Mpi.dims_create numnodes hints helps determining a suitable dims argument to Mpi.cart_create given a number of nodes numnodes, the number of dimensions required, and optional constraints. The length of the hints array determines the number of dimensions. For each dimension d, hints.(d), if not null, is the number of nodes required along this dimension. If null, Mpi.dims_create figures out a suitable number.

For instance, Mpi.dims_create 24 [|0;0|] returns reasonable dimensions for a two-dimensional grid containing 24 nodes.

val cart_rank : communicator -> int array -> rank

Mpi.cart_rank comm coords return the rank of the node in the cartesian topology comm that is at coordinates coords. The coords array must have one element per dimension of the cartesian topology. Individual coordinates range between 0 (inclusive) and the corresponding dimension (exclusive).

val cart_coords : communicator -> rank -> int array

Mpi.cart_rank comm coords return the rank of the node in the cartesian topology comm that is at coordinates coords. The coords array must have one element per dimension of the cartesian topology. Individual coordinates range between 0 (inclusive) and the corresponding dimension (exclusive).

The inverse operation of Mpi.cart_rank. Mpi.cart_coords comm r returns the cartesian coordinates of the node having rank r in comm.

Process group management

type group

The type of groups. Groups represent sets of nodes (processing elements). Unlike communicators, they cannot be used directly for communication. Instead, one constructs a group representing the desired set of nodes, then build a communicator for this group.

val comm_create : communicator -> group -> communicator

Mpi.comm_create comm group creates a communicator whose nodes are those described in group. comm is the initial communicator; the nodes in group must be a subset of those in comm. The null communicator is returned to the nodes that are not part of group.

val group_size : group -> int

Return the size (number of nodes) in the given group.

val group_rank : group -> rank

Return the size (number of nodes) in the given group.

Return the rank of the calling node in the given group.

val group_translate_ranks : group -> rank array -> group -> rank array

Mpi.group_translate_ranks g1 ranks g2 translates the ranks of a number of nodes from one group to another. rank is an array of node ranks relative to group g1. The returned array contains the ranks for the same nodes, relative to group g2.

val comm_group : communicator -> group

Mpi.comm_group comm returns the group of all nodes belonging to the communicator comm, with the same ranks as in comm.

val group_union : group -> group -> group

Mpi.comm_group comm returns the group of all nodes belonging to the communicator comm, with the same ranks as in comm.

val group_intersection : group -> group -> group
val group_difference : group -> group -> group

Union, intersection and set difference over groups.

val group_incl : group -> rank array -> group

Mpi.group_incl group ranks returns the subset of group containing the nodes whose ranks are given in the array ranks.

val group_excl : group -> rank array -> group

Mpi.group_incl group ranks returns the subset of group containing the nodes whose ranks are given in the array ranks.

Mpi.group_excl group ranks returns the subset of group containing the nodes whose ranks are not given in the array ranks.

type group_range = {
  1. range_first : int;
  2. range_last : int;
  3. range_stride : int;

A group range represents the set of nodes whose ranks are (range_first; range_first + range_stride; ...; range_last).

val group_range_incl : group -> group_range array -> group

Mpi.group_range_incl group ranges returns the subset of group containing the nodes whose ranks belong to the ranges listed in ranges.

val group_range_excl : group -> group_range array -> group

Mpi.group_range_incl group ranges returns the subset of group containing the nodes whose ranks belong to the ranges listed in ranges.

Mpi.group_range_excl group ranges returns the subset of group containing the nodes whose ranks do not belong to the ranges listed in ranges.


val wtime : unit -> float

Return the wall-clock time elapsed at the calling node since the beginning of the program execution.


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