package mopsa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

AST of the C language.


type c_typedef = {
  1. c_typedef_org_name : string;

    name as in source

  2. c_typedef_unique_name : string;

    unique name

  3. mutable c_typedef_def : Mopsa.typ;


  4. c_typedef_range : Mopsa.Location.range;

    declaration location


Type definition.

and c_record_kind =
  1. | C_struct
  2. | C_union

    Whether a record is struct or union.

and c_record_type = {
  1. c_record_kind : c_record_kind;
  2. c_record_org_name : string;

    name as in source, may be empty

  3. c_record_unique_name : string;

    unique, non-empty name

  4. c_record_defined : bool;

    false if only declared

  5. c_record_sizeof : Z.t;

    size of record, in bytes

  6. c_record_alignof : Z.t;

    alignment, in bytes

  7. mutable c_record_fields : c_record_field list;
  8. c_record_range : Mopsa.Location.range;

    declaration location


Struct or union type.

and c_record_field = {
  1. c_field_org_name : string;

    may be empty for anonymous or padding fields

  2. c_field_name : string;

    non-empty name

  3. c_field_offset : int;
  4. c_field_bit_offset : int;
  5. c_field_type : Mopsa.typ;
  6. c_field_range : Mopsa.Location.range;

    declaration location

  7. c_field_index : int;

Struct or union field.

and c_enum_type = {
  1. c_enum_org_name : string;

    name as in source, may be empty

  2. c_enum_unique_name : string;

    unique, non-empty name

  3. c_enum_defined : bool;

    false if only declared

  4. c_enum_values : c_enum_value list;
  5. c_enum_integer_type : c_integer_type;
  6. c_enum_range : Mopsa.Location.range;

    declaration location


Enumerated type.

and c_enum_value = {
  1. c_enum_val_org_name : string;

    name as in source

  2. c_enum_val_unique_name : string;

    unique name

  3. c_enum_val_value : Z.t;
  4. c_enum_val_range : Mopsa.range;

A possible value in an enumerated type.

and c_integer_type =
  1. | C_signed_char
  2. | C_unsigned_char
  3. | C_signed_short
  4. | C_unsigned_short
  5. | C_signed_int
  6. | C_unsigned_int
  7. | C_signed_long
  8. | C_unsigned_long
  9. | C_signed_long_long
  10. | C_unsigned_long_long
  11. | C_signed_int128
  12. | C_unsigned_int128

    Integer types.

and c_float_type =
  1. | C_float
  2. | C_double
  3. | C_long_double
  4. | C_float128

    Floating-point types.

and c_array_length =
  1. | C_array_no_length
  2. | C_array_length_cst of Z.t
  3. | C_array_length_expr of Mopsa.expr

    Cases of arrays length.

and c_qual = {
  1. c_qual_is_const : bool;
  2. c_qual_is_volatile : bool;
  3. c_qual_is_restrict : bool;

Type qualifiers.

and c_function_type = {
  1. c_ftype_return : Mopsa.typ;
  2. c_ftype_params : Mopsa.typ list;
  3. c_ftype_variadic : bool;

Function type.

type Mopsa.typ +=
  1. | T_c_void

    Void type.

  2. | T_c_bool
  3. | T_c_integer of c_integer_type
  4. | T_c_float of c_float_type
  5. | T_c_pointer of Mopsa.typ

    Scalar types.

  6. | T_c_array of Mopsa.typ * c_array_length


  7. | T_c_bitfield of Mopsa.typ * int

    Bitfields, with bit-width, only used in struct.

  8. | T_c_function of c_function_type option

    Function, with or without a prototype

  9. | T_c_builtin_fn

    Built-in functions

  10. | T_c_typedef of c_typedef


  11. | T_c_record of c_record_type

    struct and union

  12. | T_c_enum of c_enum_type


  13. | T_c_qualified of c_qual * Mopsa.typ

    Qualified type.

  14. | T_c_block_object of Mopsa.typ

    Type of block objects.


Function descriptor


type c_fundec = {
  1. mutable c_func_uid : int;

    unique identifier

  2. mutable c_func_org_name : string;

    original name

  3. mutable c_func_unique_name : string;

    unique name for globals and statics

  4. c_func_is_static : bool;
  5. mutable c_func_return : Mopsa.typ;

    type of returned value

  6. mutable c_func_parameters : Mopsa.var list;

    function parameters

  7. mutable c_func_body : Mopsa.stmt option;

    function body

  8. mutable c_func_static_vars : Mopsa.var list;

    static variables declared in the function

  9. mutable c_func_local_vars : Mopsa.var list;

    local variables declared in the function (excluding parameters)

  10. mutable c_func_variadic : bool;

    whether the has a variable number of arguments

  11. mutable c_func_range : Mopsa.range;

    location range of the declaration

  12. mutable c_func_name_range : Mopsa.range;

    location range of the name in the declaration

  13. mutable c_func_stub : Stubs.Ast.stub_func option;

    stub comment


Function descriptor.

C variables

type c_var_scope =
  1. | Variable_global

    global shared among translation units

  2. | Variable_extern

    declared but not defined

  3. | Variable_local of c_fundec

    local to a function

  4. | Variable_parameter of c_fundec

    formal argument

  5. | Variable_file_static of string

    restricted to a translation unit

  6. | Variable_func_static of c_fundec

    restricted to a function

val pp_scope : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> c_var_scope -> unit
type c_var_init =
  1. | C_init_expr of Mopsa.expr
  2. | C_init_list of c_var_init list * c_var_init option


  3. | C_init_implicit of Mopsa.typ

Variable initialization.

type cvar = {
  1. cvar_scope : c_var_scope;

    life-time scope of the variable

  2. cvar_range : Mopsa.range;

    declaration range

  3. cvar_uid : int;
  4. cvar_orig_name : string;
  5. cvar_uniq_name : string;
type Mopsa.var_kind +=
  1. | V_cvar of cvar

    C variable


C expressions

type Mopsa.operator +=
  1. | O_c_and
  2. | O_c_or
type c_inc_location =
  1. | PRE
  2. | POST

    Whether an incrementation is performed before (PRE) or after (POST) the expression value is used

type c_inc_direction =
  1. | INC
  2. | DEC

    Whether an incrementation is ++ or --

type c_character_kind =
  1. | C_char_ascii
  2. | C_char_wide
  3. | C_char_utf8
  4. | C_char_utf16
  5. | C_char_utf32
  6. | C_char_unevaluated
type Mopsa.constant +=
  1. | C_c_character of Z.t * c_character_kind

    Constant character

  2. | C_c_string of string * c_character_kind

    Constant string literal

  3. | C_c_invalid

    Invalid pointer value

type Mopsa.expr_kind +=
  1. | E_c_conditional of Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.expr


  2. | E_c_array_subscript of Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.expr


  3. | E_c_member_access of Mopsa.expr * int * string


  4. | E_c_function of c_fundec
  5. | E_c_builtin_function of string
  6. | E_c_builtin_call of string * Mopsa.expr list
  7. | E_c_arrow_access of Mopsa.expr * int * string


  8. | E_c_assign of Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.expr


  9. | E_c_compound_assign of Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.typ * Mopsa.operator * Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.typ

    type of the result, before converting back to lvalue type

  10. | E_c_comma of Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.expr

    , operator

  11. | E_c_increment of c_inc_direction * c_inc_location * Mopsa.expr
  12. | E_c_address_of of Mopsa.expr

    & operator (address of lvalue)

  13. | E_c_deref of Mopsa.expr

    * operator (pointer dereference)

  14. | E_c_cast of Mopsa.expr * bool


  15. | E_c_statement of Mopsa.stmt
  16. | E_c_predefined of string

    predefined identifier

  17. | E_c_var_args of Mopsa.expr


  18. | E_c_atomic of int * Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.expr
  19. | E_c_block_object of Mopsa.expr

    Block objects are useful to distinguish between operations on the block itself and its content. For, expanding the contents of a block will duplicate every cell in the block, while expanding the block object will update the pointers that point to the block.


Scope update

type c_scope_update = {
  1. c_scope_var_added : Mopsa.var list;
  2. c_scope_var_removed : Mopsa.var list;

Scope update information for jump statements


type Mopsa.stmt_kind +=
  1. | S_c_goto_stab of Mopsa.stmt

    stabilization point for goto statement

  2. | S_c_declaration of Mopsa.var * c_var_init option * c_var_scope

    declaration of a variable

  3. | S_c_do_while of Mopsa.stmt * Mopsa.expr


  4. | S_c_for of Mopsa.stmt * Mopsa.expr option * Mopsa.expr option * Mopsa.stmt


  5. | S_c_return of Mopsa.expr option * c_scope_update

    return statement

  6. | S_c_break of c_scope_update

    break statement

  7. | S_c_continue of c_scope_update

    continue statement

  8. | S_c_goto of string * c_scope_update

    goto statements.

  9. | S_c_switch of Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.stmt

    switch statement.

  10. | S_c_label of string

    statement label.

  11. | S_c_switch_case of Mopsa.expr list * c_scope_update

    case of a switch statement.

    case a: case b: stmt;

    is represented through S_c_switch_case a; b to factor in some cases

    For integer cases, we use the interval a, b to simplify expressions, similar to the GCC C extension for ranges

  12. | S_c_switch_default of c_scope_update

    default case of switch statements.

  13. | S_c_asm of string

    inline assembly for now, we keep only a string representation to display warnings; see C_AST.asm_kind for a more usable representation when support is added

type c_program = {
  1. c_globals : (Mopsa.var * c_var_init option) list;

    global variables of the program

  2. c_functions : c_fundec list;

    functions of the program

  3. c_stub_directives : Stubs.Ast.stub_directive list;

    list of stub directives

type Mopsa.prog_kind +=
  1. | C_program of c_program
module CProgramKey : sig ... end
val c_program_ctx : ('a, c_program) Core__Context.ctx_key

Flow-insensitive context to keep the analyzed C program

val set_c_program : c_program -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow

Set the C program in the flow

val get_c_program : 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> c_program

Get the C program from the flow

Conversion to/from Clang parser types

val to_clang_float_type : c_float_type -> Mopsa_c_parser.C_AST.float_type
val from_clang_float_type : Mopsa_c_parser.C_AST.float_type -> c_float_type

Target information

module TargetCtx : sig ... end
val remove_c_target_info : 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow

Sizes and alignments

val sizeof_type_in_target : Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa_c_parser.C_utils.C.target_info -> Z.t

sizeof t computes the size (in bytes) of a C type t

val sizeof_type : Mopsa.typ -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> Z.t
val sizeof_type_in_host : Mopsa.typ -> Z.t

Size (in bytes) of a type, as an expression. Handles variable-length ararys.

val remove_typedef : Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa.typ
val remove_qual : Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa.typ
val remove_typedef_qual : Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa.typ
val is_signed : Mopsa.typ -> bool

is_signed t whether t is signed

val rangeof : Mopsa.typ -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> Z.t * Z.t

range t computes the interval range of type t

val int_rangeof : Mopsa.typ -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> int * int

range t computes the interval range of type t as integers

val wrap_expr : Mopsa.expr -> (Z.t * Z.t) -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr

wrap_expr e (l,h) expression needed to bring back e in range (l,h)

val is_c_char_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val is_c_string_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val is_c_int_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool

is_c_int_type t tests whether t is an integer type

val is_c_int_array_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val is_c_signed_int_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val is_c_bool_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val is_c_float_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool

is_c_int_type t tests whether t is a floating point type

val get_c_float_type : Mopsa.typ -> c_float_type
val get_c_float_precision : Mopsa.typ -> Universal.Ast.float_prec

Get the float precision from a C type

val is_c_bitfield : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val is_c_num_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool

is_c_int_type t tests whether t is a numeric type

val is_c_scalar_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool

is_c_scalar_type t tests whether t is a scalar type

val is_c_pointer_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool

is_c_pointer t tests whether t is a pointer

val is_c_void_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val is_c_record_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val is_c_struct_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val is_c_union_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val is_c_array_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val is_c_function_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val pointer_type : Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa.typ

is_scalartype t lifts t to a pointer to t

val under_pointer_type : Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa.typ
val under_array_type : Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa.typ
val under_type : Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa.typ
val void_to_char : Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa.typ
val get_array_constant_length : Mopsa.typ -> Z.t
val align_byte : Mopsa.typ -> int -> int
val is_c_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val is_c_function_parameter : Mopsa.var -> bool
val mk_c_member_access_by_name : Mopsa.expr -> string -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_c_arrow_access_by_name : Mopsa.expr -> string -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_c_subscript_access : Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_c_character : char -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa.expr
val extract_multibyte_integer : string -> int -> Mopsa.typ -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> Z.t
val mk_c_multibyte_integer : string -> int -> Mopsa.typ -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_c_invalid_pointer : Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val void : Mopsa.typ
val u8 : Mopsa.typ
val s8 : Mopsa.typ
val s16 : Mopsa.typ
val u16 : Mopsa.typ
val s32 : Mopsa.typ
val u32 : Mopsa.typ
val s64 : Mopsa.typ
val u64 : Mopsa.typ
val ul : Mopsa.typ
val sl : Mopsa.typ
val ull : Mopsa.typ
val sll : Mopsa.typ
val array_type : Mopsa.typ -> Z.t -> Mopsa.typ
val size_type : 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> Mopsa.typ
val type_of_string : string -> Mopsa.typ
val is_c_block_object_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val to_c_block_object : Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa.expr
val of_c_block_object : Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_c_string : ?kind:c_character_kind -> string -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_c_fun_typ : c_fundec -> Mopsa.typ
val mk_c_builtin_call : string -> Mopsa.expr list -> Ast.Typ.typ -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_c_call_stmt : c_fundec -> Mopsa.expr list -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.stmt
val mk_c_declaration : Mopsa.var -> c_var_init option -> c_var_scope -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.stmt
val is_c_global_scope : c_var_scope -> bool

Statement comparison *

val compare_c_var_init : c_var_init -> c_var_init -> int
val compare_c_fundec : c_fundec -> c_fundec -> int
val compare_c_var_scope : c_var_scope -> c_var_scope -> int
val compare_c_var_scope_update : c_scope_update -> c_scope_update -> int
val range_cond : Mopsa.expr -> Z.t -> Z.t -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val remove_casts : Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa.expr
val c_expr_to_z : Mopsa.expr -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> Z.t option

Simplify C constant expressions to constants

val is_c_expr_equals_z : Mopsa.expr -> Z.t -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> bool
val is_c_constant : Mopsa.expr -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> bool
val is_c_lval : Mopsa.expr -> bool
val is_c_deref : Mopsa.expr -> bool
val get_c_deref_type : Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa.typ
val is_c_variable_length_array_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool

Check if v is declared as a variable length array

val is_c_no_length_array_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool

Check if v is declared as an array without length (as for many auxiliary variables)

val find_c_fundec_by_name : string -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> c_fundec

Find the definition of a C function

val find_c_fundec_by_uid : int -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> c_fundec
val assert_valid_string : Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> ('a, 'b) -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> 'a

Check if a pointer points to a nul-terminated array

val assert_valid_wide_string : Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> ('a, 'b) -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> 'a

Check if a pointer points to a nul-terminated wide char array

val assert_valid_stream : Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> ('a, 'b) -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> 'a

Check if a pointer points to a valid stream

val assert_valid_file_descriptor : Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> ('a, 'b) -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> 'a

Check if a pointer points to a valid file descriptor

val assert_valid_ptr : Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> ('a, 'b) -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> 'a

Check if a pointer is valid

Randomize an entire array

Randomize a string

Randomize a substring

Randomize a wide substring

Set elements of an array with the same value c

Copy elements of an array

Exit if status is non-zero

val error_error_at_line : Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> ('a, 'b) -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> 'a

Exit if status is non-zero

val asprintf_stub : Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> ('a, 'b) -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> 'a Core.Eval.eval
val vasprintf_stub : bool -> Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> ('a, 'b) -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> 'a Core.Eval.eval

Stack variables

type Mopsa.var_kind +=
  1. | V_c_stack_var of Mopsa.callstack * Mopsa.var

This vkind is used to attach the callstack to local variables

val mk_stack_var : Mopsa.callstack -> Mopsa.var -> Mopsa.var

Create a stack variable

val var_scope : Mopsa.var -> c_var_scope

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