package mopsa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


This module allows adding new constants to the extensible Mopsa AST.

To add a new constant, first extend type constant with a new variant constructor. For instance,

type constant += C_int of int

adds a new constructor for integer constants.

The new constant needs to be registered by declaring a comparison and pretty-printing functions. For the previous example, the registration is as follows:

let () = register_constant {
    compare = (fun next c1 c2 ->
        match c1, c2 with
        | C_int n1, C_int n2 -> compare n1 n2
        | _ -> next n1 n2
    print = (fun next fmt c ->
        match c with
        | C_int n -> Format.pp_print_int fmt n
        | _ -> next fmt c

Any registered constant can be compared and printed with functions compare_constant and pp_constant.

type constant = ..

Extensible constants

val compare_constant : constant -> constant -> int

compare_constant c1 c2 provides a total order between any pair c1 and c2 of registered constants

val pp_constant : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> constant -> unit

pp_constant fmt c pretty-prints a registered constant c with formatter fmt


val register_constant : constant -> unit

register_constant info registers a new constant with a comparison function and a pretty-printer info.print

val register_constant_compare : constant -> unit

register_constant_compare compare registers a new comparison function for constants

val register_constant_pp : constant Mopsa_utils.TypeExt.print -> unit

register_constant_compare compare registers a new pretty-printer for constants

Common constants

type constant +=
  1. | C_top of Typ.typ

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