package mopsa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Abstract Syntax Tree extension for the simple Universal language.

Universal types

type float_prec =
  1. | F_SINGLE

    IEEE single-precision 32-bit

  2. | F_DOUBLE

    IEEE double-precision 64-bit


    extended precision, abstracted as double

  4. | F_FLOAT128

    quadruple precision, abstracted as double

  5. | F_REAL

    no rounding, abstracted as double

type Mopsa.typ +=
  1. | T_bool


  2. | T_int

    Mathematical integers with arbitrary precision.

  3. | T_float of float_prec

    Floating-point real numbers.

  4. | T_string


  5. | T_array of Mopsa.typ

    Array of typ

  6. | T_unit

    Unit type

  7. | T_char
val pp_float_prec : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> float_prec -> unit
val pp_float_op : string -> string -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> float_prec -> unit

Universal constants

type Mopsa.constant +=
  1. | C_unit
  2. | C_bool of bool
  3. | C_int of Z.t

    Integer numbers, with arbitrary precision.

  4. | C_float of float

    Floating-point numbers.

  5. | C_string of string

    String constants.

  6. | C_int_interval of Mopsa.ItvUtils.IntBound.t * Mopsa.ItvUtils.IntBound.t

    Integer ranges.

  7. | C_float_interval of float * float

    Float ranges.



Universal operators

type float_class = {
  1. float_valid : bool;
  2. float_inf : bool;
  3. float_nan : bool;
val pp_float_class : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> float_class -> unit
type Mopsa.operator +=
  1. | O_sqrt

    square root

  2. | O_abs

    absolute value

  3. | O_bit_invert

    bitwise ~

  4. | O_wrap of Z.t * Z.t


  5. | O_filter_float_class of float_class

    filter float by class

  6. | O_plus
  7. | O_minus
  8. | O_mult


  9. | O_div


  10. | O_mod

    % where the remainder can be negative, following C

  11. | O_ediv

    euclidian division

  12. | O_erem

    remainder for euclidian division

  13. | O_pow


  14. | O_bit_and


  15. | O_bit_or


  16. | O_bit_xor


  17. | O_bit_rshift


  18. | O_bit_lshift


  19. | O_concat

    concatenation of arrays and strings

  20. | O_convex_join

    convex join of arithmetic expressions

  21. | O_float_class of float_class

Universal functions

type fundec = {
  1. fun_orig_name : string;

    original name of the function

  2. fun_uniq_name : string;

    unique name of the function

  3. fun_range : Mopsa.range;

    function range

  4. fun_parameters : Mopsa.var list;

    list of parameters

  5. fun_locvars : Mopsa.var list;

    list of local variables

  6. mutable fun_body : Mopsa.stmt;

    body of the function

  7. fun_return_type : Mopsa.typ option;

    return type

  8. fun_return_var : Mopsa.var;

    variable storing the return value


Function definition

type fun_builtin = {
  1. name : string;
  2. args : Mopsa.typ option list;
  3. output : Mopsa.typ;
type fun_expr =
  1. | User_defined of fundec
  2. | Builtin of fun_builtin
val compare_fun_expr : fun_expr -> fun_expr -> int

Universal program

type u_program = {
  1. universal_gvars : Mopsa.var list;
  2. universal_fundecs : fundec list;
  3. universal_main : Mopsa.stmt;
type Mopsa.prog_kind +=
  1. | P_universal of u_program
module UProgramKey : sig ... end
val u_program_ctx : ('a, u_program) Core__Context.ctx_key

Flow-insensitive context to keep the analyzed C program

val set_u_program : u_program -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow

Set the C program in the flow

val get_u_program : 'a Mopsa.Flow.flow -> u_program

Get the C program from the flow

Universal expressions

type Mopsa.expr_kind +=
  1. | E_function of fun_expr
  2. | E_call of Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.expr list

    List of arguments

  3. | E_array of Mopsa.expr list
  4. | E_subscript of Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.expr
  5. | E_len of Mopsa.expr

Universal statements

type Mopsa.stmt_kind +=
  1. | S_expression of Mopsa.expr

    Expression statement, useful for calling functions without a return value

  2. | S_if of Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.stmt * Mopsa.stmt

    else branch

  3. | S_return of Mopsa.expr option

    Function return with an optional return expression

  4. | S_while of Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.stmt

    loop body

  5. | S_break

    Loop break

  6. | S_continue

    Loop continue

  7. | S_unit_tests of (string * Mopsa.stmt) list

    list of unit tests and their names

  8. | S_assert of Mopsa.expr

    Unit tests assertions

  9. | S_satisfy of Mopsa.expr

    Unit tests satisfiability check

  10. | S_print_state

    Print the abstract flow map at current location

  11. | S_print_expr of Mopsa.expr list

    Pretty print the values of expressions

  12. | S_free of Mopsa.addr

    Release a heap address


Utility functions

val is_universal_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val mk_int : int -> ?typ:Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_z : Z.t -> ?typ:Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_float : ?prec:float_prec -> float -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_int_interval : int -> int -> ?typ:Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_z_interval : Z.t -> Z.t -> ?typ:Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_float_interval : ?prec:float_prec -> float -> float -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_string : ?etyp:Mopsa.typ -> string -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_in : ?strict:bool -> ?left_strict:bool -> ?right_strict:bool -> ?etyp:Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_minus_one : ?typ:Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val universal_constants_range : Mopsa.range
val zero : Mopsa.expr
val one : Mopsa.expr
val minus_one : Mopsa.expr
val of_z : Z.t -> ?typ:Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val of_int : int -> ?typ:Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val float_class : ?valid:bool -> ?inf:bool -> ?nan:bool -> unit -> float_class
val inv_float_class : float_class -> float_class
val float_valid : float_class
val float_inf : float_class
val float_nan : float_class
val mk_filter_float_class : float_class -> Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_bool : bool -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val is_int_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val is_float_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val is_numeric_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val is_math_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val is_predicate_op : Mopsa.operator -> bool
val mk_block : Mopsa.stmt list -> ?vars:Ast.Var.var list -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.stmt
val mk_invalidate_addr : Ast.Addr.addr -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.stmt
val expr_to_const : Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa.constant option
val expr_to_z : Mopsa.expr -> Z.t option
module Addr : sig ... end
module AddrSet : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.