package mmdb

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Interface for retrieving string values from the database

include VALUE_TYPE with type answer = string
module Query : sig ... end
type answer = string

The type of answer returned by a query

val from_db : t -> Ip.t -> Query.t -> (answer option, Fetch_error.t) result

Fetches a value directly from the database

val from_ip_data : ip_data -> Query.t -> (answer option, Fetch_value_error.t) result

Fetches a value from an ip_data reference

val country_code : Query.t

Query that determines the code of the country where the IP is located

val region_code : Query.t

Query that determines the code of the region where the IP is located

val city_name : Language.t -> Query.t

Creates a query that retrieves the localized name of the city where the IP is located

val country_name : Language.t -> Query.t

Creates a query that retrieves the localized name of the country where the IP is located

val continent_name : Language.t -> Query.t

Creates a query that retrieves the localized name of the continent where the IP is located


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