package mirage-console-xen-backend
suspend ()
suspends the client, waiting for outstanding RPCs to be completed, cancelling all watches and causing new requests to be queued.
resume ()
resumes the client. The connection must be up and running again before using this function.
Access xenstore with individual operations.
Access xenstore with a single transaction. On conflict the operation will be repeated.
Wait for some condition to become true and return a value. The function argument should throw Eagain if the condition is not met, and the condition will be re-evaluated when paths change.
directory h path
returns the directory listing of path
val setperms : handle -> string -> Xs_protocol.ACL.t -> unit Lwt.t
setperms h k acl
sets the permissions of k
to acl
restrict h domid
restricts the current connection to have only the priviledges associated with domain domid
getdomainpath domid
returns the local directory of domain domid
val watch : handle -> string -> Xs_protocol.Token.t -> unit Lwt.t
watch h path token
registers a manual watch at path
with token
val unwatch : handle -> string -> Xs_protocol.Token.t -> unit Lwt.t
unwatch h path token
unregisters a manual watch at path
with token
introduce h domid store_mfn store_port
called by a toolstack to signal the construction of a new domain.