package mirage-block-combinators

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


module B : Mirage_block.S


type t = B.t
type error = [
  1. | Mirage_block.error
  2. | `Unsafe of string
  3. | `Private of B.error
val pp_error : Format.formatter -> [< `Disconnected | `Private of B.error | `Unimplemented | `Unsafe of string ] -> unit
type write_error = [
  1. | Mirage_block.write_error
  2. | `Unsafe of string
  3. | `Private of B.write_error
val pp_write_error : Format.formatter -> [< `Disconnected | `Is_read_only | `Private of B.write_error | `Unimplemented | `Unsafe of string ] -> unit
val get_info : B.t -> Lwt.t
val disconnect : B.t -> unit Lwt.t
val lift_error : ('a, [> Mirage_block.error ] as 'b) result -> ('a, [> `Disconnected | `Private of 'b | `Unimplemented ]) result
val lift_write_error : ('a, [> Mirage_block.write_error ] as 'b) result -> ('a, [> `Disconnected | `Is_read_only | `Private of 'b | `Unimplemented ]) result
val (>>*=) : ('a, 'b) result Lwt.t -> ('a -> ('c, 'b) result Lwt.t) -> ('c, 'b) result Lwt.t
val fatalf : ('a, unit, string, ('b, [> `Unsafe of string ]) result Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a
val check_buffer : string -> int -> Cstruct.t -> (unit, [> `Unsafe of string ]) result Lwt.t
val check_buffers : string -> int -> Cstruct.t list -> (unit, [> `Unsafe of string ]) result Lwt.t
val check_in_range : string -> int64 -> int64 -> (unit, [> `Unsafe of string ]) result Lwt.t
val check : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 -> Cstruct.t list -> (unit, [> `Unsafe of string ]) result Lwt.t
val unsafe_read : B.t -> int64 -> Cstruct.t list -> (unit, B.error) result Lwt.t
val unsafe_write : B.t -> int64 -> Cstruct.t list -> (unit, B.write_error) result Lwt.t
val read : B.t -> int64 -> Cstruct.t list -> (unit, [> `Disconnected | `Private of B.error | `Unimplemented | `Unsafe of string ]) result Lwt.t
val write : B.t -> int64 -> Cstruct.t list -> (unit, [> `Disconnected | `Is_read_only | `Private of B.write_error | `Unimplemented | `Unsafe of string ]) result Lwt.t

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