package metapp
include ExtensibleS with type t = Parsetree.module_expr
include VisitableS with type t = Parsetree.module_expr
type t = Parsetree.module_expr
val to_loc : t -> Location.t
val iterator : (Ast_iterator.iterator, t iterator_item) accessor
val mapper : (Ast_mapper.mapper, t mapper_item) accessor
val extension : ?attrs:Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.extension -> t
val destruct_extension : t -> Parsetree.extension option
include FunctorS with type t := t
val functor_ :
?loc:Location.t ->
?attrs:Parsetree.attributes ->
functor_parameter ->
t ->
val destruct_functor : t -> (functor_parameter * t) option
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"