package mdx

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Relation : sig ... end
type non_det =
  1. | Nd_output
  2. | Nd_command
val default_non_det : non_det
type block_kind =
  1. | OCaml
  2. | Cram
  3. | Toplevel
  4. | Include
val pp_block_kind : block_kind Fmt.t
type t =
  1. | Dir of string
  2. | Source_tree of string
  3. | File of string
  4. | Part of string
  5. | Env of string
  6. | Skip
  7. | Non_det of non_det option
  8. | Version of Relation.t * Ocaml_version.t
  9. | Set of string * string
  10. | Unset of string
  11. | Block_kind of block_kind
  12. | Language_tag of string
val pp : t Fmt.t
val interpret : string -> (Relation.t * string) option -> (t, [> `Msg of string ]) result
val of_string : string -> (t list, [ `Msg of string ] list) result

of_string s cuts s into a list of labels.


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